Tech Neck – Is Technology Responsible For Your Neck Pain?

Neck Pain - Tech Neck

How Technology Might Be Causing Your Neck Pain Tech neck – also known as text neck – is a commonly used term to describe neck pain that results from the overuse of various electronic devices. If you’re looking down at your cell phone or iPad too much, or sitting in front of your computer (usually…

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Can Bad Posture Cause Neck and Shoulder Pain?

This article includes information about forward head posture and how it affects your neck, symptoms, and treatments. Forward head posture is fixable with some proper exercises and good posture. What is Forward Head Posture? Forward head posture is when holding the head out in front of the natural position over the cervical spine. This position…

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Neck Stiffness? How to Tell If It’s Arthritis

Stiff Neck

Arthritis in your knees or hands but frequent stiffness in the neck could mean arthritis. Here’s how to tell, and ways to treat it. Symptoms of Arthritis in the Neck If you’ve noticed any chronic pain or stiffness in your neck that could be an early sign of arthritis in the neck. Common popping or…

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3 Tips For Getting Rid Of General Neck Pain

Neck Pain

People are doing a lot of different things now post-pandemic, bringing new neck aches and pains. Follow these 3 tips to get rid of neck aches and pain. General Neck Stiffness Often Creeps Up On People With Zero Warning. There’s sometimes no explanation as to why you might all of a sudden wake up one…

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Can A Desk Job Cause Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain comes from past injuries and daily life activities one may partake in. Sometimes it may even come out of nowhere or just by doing the simplest thing like reaching for a cup. Oftentimes shoulder pain is overlooked because the pain can be disguised as coming from the back or neck. Yes, indeed shoulder…

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How To Easily Release Shoulder Tension

Neck Tension

Shoulder tension may result from sitting at a desk, overuse, stress, and sleeping in an incorrect position. We tend to hold a lot of stress in our shoulders and in return hunch over or make a lot of postural changes throughout the day. In this article, you will find out if your shoulders affect your…

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Shoulder Injuries: Causes, Injuries, and Treatments

Shoulder Injuries

The shoulder is made up of several joints and muscles that allow you to have a wide range of motion in your arm. It consists of your upper-arm bones (humerus), shoulder blades (scapula), and the collarbone (clavicle) meet. Each is held in place by a group of four muscles called your rotator cuff. The rotator…

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5 Tips For Relieving Pain At The Base Of The Neck Naturally

Neck Pain

It’s aggravating to experience pain in the base of your neck when trying to do your daily tasks and activities. Even when you’re trying to get some rest, you still have that sharp pain bugging you! It can be frustrating when your painful neck pain doesn’t seem to want to go away and you may…

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Why is Shoulder Stability Important?

Shoulder Stability

Why the shoulder blades are crucial for stability in our shoulder and how the rotator cuff helps. What Is Shoulder Stability? Often when talking about stability in your shoulder people mention the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a series of 4 muscles and does play a big part when it comes to stability. However,…

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2 Exercises For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

If you are experiencing shoulder pain out of nowhere and do not know why it is occurring. These exercises may be perfect to help to ease shoulder pain. Why am I Experiencing Shoulder Pain? Do you ever just wake up and have shoulder pain? You have no idea where it came from or why it’s…

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