3 Key Exercises to Prevent Knee Injuries in Pickleball

How to Prevent Knee Injuries in Pickleball Players with Strength Training Knee Injuries in Pickleball Players is one of the most common complaints among athletes in this fast-growing sport. With frequent stops, quick pivots, and repetitive stress on the knees, pickleball knee pain can develop from weak muscles, poor mobility, or overuse. The good news?…
Meniscus Tear: The Silent Tear That Can Cripple You – But It Doesn’t Have to

Hey there! I want to talk to you about something that might be quietly lurking in your knee without you even realizing it—a meniscus tear. You may have heard about it, or maybe you’ve felt a little pain in your knee and brushed it off. Trust me, I get it. Sometimes, we try to “walk…
Hit The Trails With Confidence: Hiking Strategies For Foot And Ankle Pain

Love hiking and getting outdoors in beautiful surroundings, but have to deal with the nagging, relentless companion known as chronic foot and ankle pain? I feel your pain – both literally and figuratively. But here’s the thing: you’re not alone, and there’s hope. I want to share some insights on natural pain relief for sore…
How To Identify Age-related Aches And Pains?

How to know if your aches and pains are age-related or not. Is it just because I am getting old? Nearly every patient I see over the age of 55 with chronic joint pain will ask me “Is there anything you can do for (this injury), or is it just me getting old?” While it…
Don’t get Caught in Tendon-Confusion! The Difference Between Tendonitis and Tendonosis Explained

Many have either suffered from tendinitis or at least heard of it. But have you ever heard of TENDINOSIS? If you’ve ever suffered from tendonitis – then you know that it can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months! What is the difference between Tendonitis and Tendonosis? Tendonitis is an acute, short-term, inflammatory…
Ouch! – What to do when you Pull a Muscle

What Happens When You Pull A Muscle? A pulled muscle is just another way to describe a muscle strain. Muscle strains are painful. Muscle strains occur when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn. A torn muscle is graded by 3 degrees. Mild, moderate, and complete tear. Muscle strains can occur without warning…
Shoulder Injuries: Causes, Injuries, and Treatments

The shoulder is made up of several joints and muscles that allow you to have a wide range of motion in your arm. It consists of your upper-arm bones (humerus), shoulder blades (scapula), and the collarbone (clavicle) meet. Each is held in place by a group of four muscles called your rotator cuff. The rotator…
What Is a Strain Injury?

Over the past month, we’ve been discussing common injuries of the elbow… and a lot of them tend to stem from a strain injury. So, what exactly is a ‘repetitive use injury? Many patients will come into our clinic with this type of injury and wonder “how” or “why”. Or when they have been told…
Golf Injuries and How ANY Golfer Can Avoid Them

Golf injuries are extremely common. But the problem with golf is that most people who play it seem to put up with the injuries and continue to play through them. Many times they don’t want to accept that their injuries are a direct consequence of the sport that they love. what are common golf injuries?…
How Do I Get Back To Exercising After An Injury?

I see many people not giving themselves the best chance of staying active and healthy, simply because they don’t receive the best advice – and that’s unfortunate. So I’d like to take a moment to address a question that is commonly asked of me; One that I think is vitally important to make understood. ===…