3 Things You MUST Know About Knee Pain – If You Want Lasting Relief
The other day I was on the phone with Robert, one of our regular patients suffering from knee pain, He’s aged 62 from Peoria, and said… “I was making the most of the weekend by visiting Sedona and walking around Baldwin Trail. I was fine when I got home, but then in the morning when…
How Do You Deal With A Physical Injury?
I see many people not giving themselves the best chance of staying active and healthy, simply because they don’t receive the best advice – and that’s unfortunate. So I’d like to take a moment to address a question that is commonly asked of me; One that I think is vitally important to make understood. ===…
Knee Pain: 3 Things That Do Not Help
A patient walked into my clinic last week, limping with knee pain, asking: “I’ve had this knee pain for a few weeks now, and I’m not sure what I’ve done to it. I’ve tried taking some pain killers and it hasn’t helped”. I was trying to rest it so that it wouldn’t hurt, but whenever…
Stop Doing These 3 Things For Shoulder Pain
Are you currently suffering with, or have suffered shoulder pain before?… It’s one of the greatest mysteries of being 50+: the sudden onset of shoulder pain and stiffness that often creeps up on people with no warning and no explanation. Sometimes it just happens. I’ve had a number of patients come to see me and…
What is Tennis Elbow Caused By?
Although the term tennis elbow clearly originated from people hitting tennis balls around, the condition should be termed “computer elbow” at this point. These days, it’s more commonly caused by computer usage. Tennis elbow would best be described as a repetitive strain injury, which is ultimately induced by repetitive motions, leading to chronic exhaustion of…