“Learn Natural Ways To End Shoulder Pain
Without Painkillers, And Seeing The Doctor”
“Here’s How ANY Shoulder Pain Sufferer Can Put End To Inactivity, The Frustration Of Being Injured And The Fear That They Will Never Get A Full Night's Sleep Again Because Of Shoulder Pain.”
Read On To Discover How To Get The Best Advice, Exercises And Top Tips From An Expert In Shoulder Pain. This Information Will Not Only End Your Frustration, But Will Also Get You Back To Living An Active And Healthy Lifestyle Safely And Quickly, In No Time At All.
If your need is Urgent, Please Call now to get seen quicker:

Dr.Nick Hunter PT, DPT
Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
A Personal Message From Specialist Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist Dr. Nick Hunter,
If you’re suffering with Shoulder Pain, the first thing I want to do is make clear that I AM familiar with your concern and I have seen this before thousands of times. Shoulder Pain and injury is real and it is painful. More importantly, I know just what to do about it and I can reassure you there IS HOPE for a HEALTHY future for you. One that is FREE from the suffering Shoulder Pain brings.
If You Feel ANGRY, Let Down, Or Just Confused By The Advice You’ve So Far Been Given…You’re Not Alone, And I’d Like To Offer You My Help… For FREE!
If you’re frustrated by your lack of progress and are desperate to know what’s wrong and how soon it can be improved, then I have a solution that will help you.
Before I show you how I can help I’d like to make it clear that I’m NOT like any of the other Physical Therapists you might have seen in the past and mine is nothing like the advice you’ve ever been given by your Doctor. Simply because I’m a Qualified Physical Therapist expertly trained and specializing in all of the Shoulder Pain concerns that you’re likely suffering with, for many months now. I also teach valuable lessons on minimizing the risks of re-injury.
I’ve also suffered with Shoulder Pain and muscle strains in my shoulder. So I really do know what you’re going through, both in terms of the pain you are suffering on a daily basis and the emotional torment that you must be living with as you continue to get let down by poor advice and each time you try, it fails to deliver any lasting relief.
I want you to know that there is a way out of your suffering, an end is in sight and there ARE things that can be done.
Does that sound like something you’d be interested in or what you came here looking for today?
If You’ve Already Rested For Weeks And Your Problem Shows No Sign Of Recovery, Let Me Help. I Know Why It Hasn’t Healed And I’m Here To Tell You That There’s Hope!
It’s no surprise to me that so many frustrated Shoulder Pain sufferers knock on my door and ask for help. The reason is that most muscle and shoulder injuries can never heal properly if left alone.
In spite of what some people think, rest is never the answer to solve any shoulder or muscle injury. In all of my years working as a physical therapist, I haven’t witnessed any injury that’s been helped by prolonged rest.
Sure, the pain will diminish with rest but being pain free at rest is not exactly the goal. What about the scar tissue that builds every day you rest? It obstructs the muscle or ligament making it tight, stiff, inflexible and ready to tear again at any time. This scenario will only worsen as the days pass.
I know just what to do to stop that. The protocol involves lots of skilled deep massage, introducing exercises and exercising (there’s a BIG difference) at precisely the right time and looking at your neck to confirm that problems aren’t coming from there, because so often they do! I may need to also look at your middle back and shoulder blades for imbalance or advise specific exercises that will make you stronger and more flexible, resulting in a lesser chance of being injured again.
When I do all of that for you, I can guarantee that you will see an improvement and it will happen fast. EVERYTHING that I suggest is geared towards you being active again, as safe and as quickly as possible. Even from this far, I know that I could suggest something to you that will ease your Shoulder Pain and get you active, right this minute.
Before I show you how I can help, please let me tell you who I can help.
Here is who I can help…
For obvious reasons, I can’t simply give away all my best advice to just anyone who calls. However, if you’re aged 40-64+ and can say YES to any of the following, then you’re in the right place to get advice from a top Physical Therapist Specializing in Shoulder Pain.
-You are in your 40’s or 50’s and it is becoming more painful to reach behind your back or to reach in front to grab your seat belt.
-You reach for the back seat in your car to grab something and you experience a sharp pain in your shoulder.
-You experience stiffness as you move your arm overhead.
-Your shoulder may not be painful but you notice weakness with lifting, moving, or throwing.
-You value the enjoyment you get from your health too much to risk suffering any long-term complications and as a result want to seek the best advice possible.
-You aren’t interested in the “painkillers and rest” protocol advised by the Doctor nor do you like the generic exercises frequently given by other physical therapists.
Great News! If you can say “YES” to any of those, then I am going to be able to help you like you hope.
If You Came To This Page Because You’re Tired Of Not Being Able To Do Simple, Everyday Tasks, Worried About Never Ending Shoulder Pain, And Desire An Expert Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist To Help Sort Things Out, Let Me Help You.
If that’s you, then Great News, I have a proven solution that works at ending Shoulder Pain, safely and quickly. Whether you’ve been injured for days, weeks or even months, I’ll be able to help you! What I do for you will allow you to become active again and find more enjoyment from simple everyday tasks and movements because you’ll leave my care, able to take part in life activities without any fear of being re-injured and you’ll be able to do all this faster and easier than any other way.
Specialist Hands-On Physical Therapy involves me and my team working on you by hand using all of our best techniques to bring a fast end to the scar tissue, stiffness and tightness that’s likely keeping you from enjoying your on- the-go activities . We’ll put an end to your specific concerns and worries by answering all of your questions. Deep therapeutic massage will help ease muscle tension and tightness naturally. When we combine the massage with PNF stretching and the best exercises, you will see a positive difference in what you can do, how quickly you can do it and how long you can do it for. You are going to notice your pain ease very quickly.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this change happened in days.
If what I’ve presented sounds like something you’re interested in, start your recovery journey by making a simple no hassle inquiry about cost and the earliest availability. Press the green button here then fill out the simple form to begin making progress right away.
Option 1
If you want an end to your Shoulder Pain, you absolutely must be doing the right EXERCISES at the right time, in the right sequence. And if you’re only doing those generic exercises found on the internet, the ones that DON’T do anything at all to end Shoulder Pain, then it’s no wonder you’re still suffering and it’s very likely I am going to be able to make a difference almost INSTANTLY.
And I’ll make this BIG difference just by adding in the best exercises- the ones specific just to you that will not only end your pain, but will also leave you with more energy, confidence and looking healthy in no time at all. That would be a nice added bonus, right?
If you’re at all interested in getting results like this,
Maybe We Should Start By Talking On The Phone?
I can help you. And if your need is urgent, as in, you’ve decided you’ve suffered enough with pain, you’re fed up of being in and out of the doctor’s office, and you’re even somewhat interested in what a Shoulder Pain Specialist like me can do for you, then a good place for us to start is by talking on the phone.
When we talk, I will walk you through:
- What makes my shoulder injury advice so different from all the other options in front of you
- Why if you’re aged 40 and above, and would like to be active again, we could be your BEST option
- Why what we’ll do for you here at Preferred Physical Therapy will be NOTHING like you’ve ever tried elsewhere
- Why most people who start out skeptical about Physical Therapy, maybe because they’ve tried it before, LOVE what we do for them and how it has everything to do with what happens in the first 20 seconds that we speak.
I’d like to offer you a FREE Telephone Consultation that is perfect and only for health conscious people, serious about their health and interested in discovering what their BEST options are to get active and healthy - NATURALLY. And doing it this way will let us get to know each other BEFORE going ahead with and confirming an “in person” appointment at Preferred Physical Therapy.
It works, because doing it this way will allow you and me to decide that we’re a good fit, and leave you knowing with 100% certainty, that I am going to be able to help you like you hope.
By the way, there’s no obligation to book an appointment after our conversation - that’s your call.
This option is Easy it is where most people start their journey back to better health. If you want to join them, please go ahead and click the yellow button here NOW and then just enter your details (and our office manager will call you back very soon)…
Option 2
Or, you can set up a time to talk to me by speaking to my office manager using this number: (623).486.3333.
P.S. If you did wish to go ahead and book an “in-person” appointment with me because you like the sound of what I’m offering, then use this same number (623).486.3333.
There's Also Another Way I'd Like To Offer You My Help.
Maybe you’re just at the very beginning of your search to end your shoulder troubles and are just browsing, hoping to find some helpful advice that you can take away with you IMMEDIATELY? Or you are looking for some Secret Tips....(the ones only given out by the Experts) that you can use in your own home to make a start on ending your Shoulder Pain right now?
If that’s you, you’re in luck!
I’d Like To GIFT You The 7 Best Ways To Ending Shoulder Pain (Naturally), FREE In One Simple, Easy To Follow At Home (With Step By Step Instructions), Special Report...
For a limited time, I’m giving away FREE my published Special Report on the best ways to End Shoulder Pain and I’d like to give it to YOU (Value $85) for FREE.
This Special Report will shed light on the clouded and very confused world of Shoulder Pain, gives hope, offers clarity AND encouragement for a future free from Shoulder Pain, as well as giving step-by-step INSTRUCTIONS on the 7 BEST ways to ease Shoulder Pain Quickly, Safely, and Naturally.
This FREE Report lets you sample and get a feel for how a Specialist Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist like me, can help YOU, while simultaneously making immediate progress at stopping pain and ending worries.
Go ahead and claim your FREE Report and finally start making the progress you’ve been searching for, instantly, in the comfort of your own home, right NOW!
It’s Titled:
“7 Natural Ways To End Shoulder Pain Without Relying On Pills Or Seeing The Doctor”
And Here's What You'll Discover:
- Why it is important to consider WHAT you sleep with AND where to put it.
- ICE vs. HEAT... find out which is best to use for your shoulder pain.
- Rest is not the answer, find out what you must do to get your shoulder muscles active and moving.
- An exercise you must do each time you sit down at the computer. (Hint: you can even do it standing up).
- What to implement daily to keep your shoulder healthy.
- Plus, a healthy bonus tips section that includes more ways you can bring a fast end to Shoulder Pain.

If you’re looking for answers to any of the questions above then it’s time to request my free tips report. You can get access to them by clicking on the yellow button below and confirming your details or you can call the clinic at (623).486.3333
Dr.Nick Hunter
PT, DPT, Leading US Physical Therapist.
There’s a limited number of FREE copies of this report available, so please do it TODAY.

Option 3
Join Hundreds of Men and Women who were finally able to end Their Shoulder Pain Naturally...Without Painkillers or Surgery
All The Top Secret Tips Revealed And Exactly How Any Person With Shoulder Pain Can Finally Begin To Enjoy Exercise And Being Active Again, Fast!...
Yours Free From Dr. Nick Hunter Physical Therapist, Shoulder Pain Specialist
“Fill Out The Form To Get YOUR Special Report With All The Best Ways To End Shoulder Pain” (...It’s Currently FREE!)
Leave Your Details And Get All This Advice NOW...

More about the person you will be helped by…
Dr. Nick Hunter is the owner and founder of Phoenix’s Leading Specialist Private Physical Therapy practice for people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who want to keep healthy, active and independent.
Dr. Nick Hunter is a graduate of University of Utah where he received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Since 2010, Dr. Nick has administrative experience in physical therapy, sports and orthopedic fields. Dr. Nick Hunter has worked in a variety of settings (hospital, outpatient, private practice), and started Preferred Physical Therapy with the goal of providing a different rehabilitation experience. An experience that will allow patients to again find joy in their journey. One that will put patients back on the right track so they can get back to living a healthy, independent lifestyle free from pain medications, injections and surgery.
Dr. Nick Hunter has a manual osteopathic approach to patient treatments, with an emphasis on bio-mechanical analysis, correction and return to function.
He has worked in educational development serving as a mentor and clinical instructor to local Physical Therapy Students.
Nick enjoys jeeping (off-roading in the beautiful town of Sedona), camping, crossfitting, coaching, and most importantly spending time with his wife and four active boys.
“Look Who Else Came For Specialist Physical Therapy at Preferred Physical Therapy and Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY and HAPPY... In Just a Few Short Weeks”!
Meet Michelle
Meet Dan
I had pain in my shoulder that was really bothering me. I had to cut back on weightlifting and I really didn't want to do that. I waited 8 months before coming into Preferred Physical Therapy because I thought it would heal on its own. I tried heat and ice on my shoulder and a ton of Ibuprofen, none of it worked.
I wasn’t sure what Physical Therapy would do but I was hoping it would alleviate the symptoms I was experiencing in my shoulder. If my best friend or family member had pain and were procrastinating I would tell them go get help right away. It is not going to get better on its own. The highlight for me coming to Preferred Physical Therapy was the chatter, the sports talk, and the Jeep talk. I am happy to say I am back weightlifting and enjoying my active lifestyle.Michael Mid 50's, Peoria
I waited a few weeks, to come into Preferred Physical Therapy, as I was travelling and not quite sure whether to get an injection first or see a PT. I was confused as to the best course of action and my previous experience of PT (although brief) did not leave me with a good impression. I had a frozen shoulder, but until I saw you, I did not know that is what it was. I had a lot of pain when moving my left arm in certain positions. My PCP had given me medication to take for a month but it was not helping. I had to do something more to help with the pain and improve my range of motion. Not only that, but with this injury I also couldn’t sleep through the night because of the pain. I tried taking just medication. I did eventually get a cortisone injection that helped tremendously. In retrospect, I feel I would have made quicker progress had I done that prior to my PT. My understanding of PT before I came in was minimal; I understood that it would help, but not sure how it would be accomplished or how long it would take.
If I knew anyone who was in pain and was procrastinating going to get help I would definitely tell them not to hesitate to see you. If anyone is reading this and is skeptical about PT I would say give it a chance… you might be pleasantly surprised how powerful the therapy is. My goal was to eliminate my pain and increase my range of motion… and yes, you helped me achieve that goal.Thanks for the excellent care! Time to go do my exercises now!
You and your staff are the best!Diana Early 40's, Glendale
Note: If your shoulder pain need is urgent...
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Or... If You Are Still Not Sure What to Do Next...
Try our Shoulder "Injury Severity" Assessment to learn how you can enjoy life pain-free: