How To Stay Active Even With Everyday Stiffness


I can’t stress enough the importance of a cool down and how it stops you from feeling stiff in the morning. Even for people who don’t do sports, feeling stiff in the mornings can be a problem. A client last week asked: “Nick, do you have any advice for someone like me who is just…

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Quick And Simple Tips To Make Running Easier


The summer is upon us and “race season” is coming to a close. While there are still several great 5k runs and activities to do, many runners use the summer to either taper down a little or start training for marathons in the fall. If you are one of these “runners” or are thinking you…

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What Happens When You Pull A Muscle? SPrain vs STrain EXPLAINED (And what to do about it)

Rice Method

Have you ever pulled a muscle? If you’ve ever moved your body, chances are you’ve pulled a muscle. And when you do, don’t you know it! When you have a pulled muscle the pain can range from mild, like a minor neck strain you get from turning your head the wrong way, to very severe,…

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The Health Benefits of YOU doing YOGA…


Somehow I missed it… I have committed to traveling to attend seminars on business and professional development and one of the seminars I attend regularly has a yoga instructor lead a class in the morning with some of the attendees. I figured I would give it a try… Before the explanation and Yoga insight, a…

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What are the 4 Different Types of Headaches?

Headache Pain

Headaches are a pain in the… well, you know… head! We have all experienced some type of headache pain, whether it has been due to stress, migraines, or even lack of caffeine. But, what truly is a headache and how are they being caused? Most people don’t understand the four types of headaches: Migraine or…

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What To Do When Neck Pain Won’t Go Away

Have you ever had neck pain but didn’t really think it was a big deal, especially if you knew it was because you slept awkwardly? Yes? I thought so. I hear this quite often from my clients when they first come in to see us – they’ll mention the annoying pain that’s going on in…

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How to Prevent Headaches

Headaches and Migraines

Let’s talk about headaches… Ranging from a mid-afternoon head-pounding ache to an agonizing pain that leaves you sensitive to light and sometimes feeling sick, headaches are something most, if not all of us, have experienced at some point in our life. But for some, headaches are a much bigger problem and can even affect everyday…

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3 Most Common things that cause Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Let’s play a fun quiz that might help you live with less neck pain… (And if you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions… read on!) When you sleep at night, do you find yourself sleeping on your stomach? Or with more than one pillow in a twisted position? When you’re relaxing at home, do…

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Headaches: More Than Just A Pain In The Head!


Headaches are a pain. We all get them now and again, but for some of us, they can be a regular occurrence… Here, at the clinic, it’s incredible just how many people we see who tell us that they’ve suffered from headaches. Often, many of my patients consider them to be a regular part of…

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What are Crystals in My Ear Causing Dizziness? Understanding Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV)


What Are Crystals In My Ear Causing Dizziness? Today, we’re gonna talk about vestibular rehab, a common treatment for dizziness. If you’ve ever been told by your doctor your dizziness is caused by crystals in your ears, this is a condition called benign positional paroxysmal vertigo or BPPV and is very easily treated. If you lie down,…

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