The Worst Activity That Causes Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Often times it can be hard to see what you’re doing wrong in your habits because, well, it’s your lifestyle. However, your daily routine could be causing you daily shoulder pain. Your daily routine is so uniform to you that it can become second nature to read before bed, play around on your tablet or…

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Shoulder Pain: 3 Things That Surprisingly DON’T Help Ease It

Shoulder Pain

Are you currently suffering from shoulder pain? It’s one of the greatest mysteries of being 50+: the sudden onset of shoulder pain and stiffness that often creeps up on people with no warning and no explanation. Sometimes it just happens. I’ve had a number of patients come to see me and say things like… “I…

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How Do I Get Back To Exercising After An Injury?

Ankle Injury

I see many people not giving themselves the best chance of staying active and healthy, simply because they don’t receive the best advice – and that’s unfortunate. So I’d like to take a moment to address a question that is commonly asked of me; One that I think is vitally important to make understood. ===…

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What are the Signs Of Bursitis?


I get this question a lot. Probably because it applies to every joint. I have recently been seeing quite a few clients suffering from bursitis, but very few actually know what bursitis is. Now to understand a little about bursitis and why people get it you first need to know exactly what a bursa is.…

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Don’t Make these 6 Common Shoe Mistakes

Shoe Mistakes

If you’ve ever hobbled off the dance floor at a wedding with your heels in hand, or ever found yourself looking forward to the moment you go home after a long day spent in meetings so that you can slip your work shoes off- you’ll know that shoes can easily cause foot pain. This holds…

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How To Ease Ankle Pain

Running Pain

Sometimes it happens… You’re out on a run, enjoying the pace, you finally feel like you’ve got it in you to run a little further than you did last time, then all of a sudden OUCH! Something in your ankle doesn’t feel quite right… So you slow down, give it a stretch and give running…

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Plantar Fasciitis: How To Limit it

Plantar fascitis

Luckily, Plantar fasciitis is MUCH easier to explain than it is to pronounce. It’s basically an injury that you’d recognize from a very sharp ‘pin prick’ like pain underneath your foot. It can come from too much running, having a long-term problem with an Achilles tendon that wasn’t properly fixed, from wearing running shoes that…

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5 Daily Habits That Reduce Stiffness

I wanted to answer a common question I get asked about being stiff which we get asked regularly by patients at Preferred Physical Therapy: “Nick, do you have any advice for someone like me who isn’t in a lot of pain? I am incredibly stiff when I wake up in the morning and I feel…

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The BIG Reason Why Back Pain KEEPS Occurring…


Recently, I reached out to my patients to inquire about what their biggest health challenge is that they are currently facing. I have taken the time to review the answers with great care. And here are two of the many responses I received : “Nick… How do you continue to try and stay fit (gym,…

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Tips To Help Alleviate Back Pain While Driving

Driving Back Pain

If you drive fairly long distances to and from work every day, if your job requires you to drive long hours, or, if you’re the designated driver in your family – it’s likely you’ve experienced back pain. In fact, around 30-60% of drivers report having back pain at some point in their life, and a…

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