How to tell if it’s Ligament Damage or Muscle Damage?

This is a question I hear from clients when I tell them they’ve damaged their ligaments and it may take longer than it would take to heal the same degree of muscle damage. In order to fully answer this question, I have to explain a little further about ligaments first… Let’s Define Ligaments. Ligaments are…

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This is Commonly Suffered By Runners


Since summer is coming to a close and school sports are starting up, it can come to a halt by an injury that I see a lot of. It’s commonly suffered by runners, especially ones doing a little too much too quick- those cross country runners and track and field competitors. See, one of the…

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This Is One Of the Most Common Shoulder Injuries

This is one of the most common shoulder injuries we see here in my clinic. The shoulder has the greatest movements of all the joints in the body and the rotator cuff is a set of muscles that supports these movements. There are only 3 ligaments in the shoulder that allow this high range of…

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Stop Doing These 3 Things For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Are you currently suffering with, or have suffered shoulder pain before?… It’s one of the greatest mysteries of being 50+: the sudden onset of shoulder pain and stiffness that often creeps up on people with no warning and no explanation. Sometimes it just happens. I’ve had a number of patients come to see me and…

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Is My Shoulder Pain Coming From My Posture?

Sometimes, it can surprise us how the smallest things in life can actually affect our health. Small things like wearing that heavy bag on the same shoulder every day, or that terrible posture that began at work, but so desperately want to get rid of. That’s right… it all adds up. Today I’ll be going…

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Your Routine May Be Causing Your Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Often times it can be hard to see what you’re doing wrong in your habits because, well, it’s your lifestyle. Your daily routine is so uniform to you that it can become second nature to read before bed, play around on your tablet or go for that game of golf on Friday night. What If…

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The Most Common Injuries in Golf


Over the past month in this column, you’ve read about common elbow injuries usually caused by activities such as tennis or computer usage. But how about taking a seemingly effortless walk on the grass and hitting a few balls along the way? Injuries in golf are very common. But the problem with golf is that…

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Tendonitis: How Ice Will Make It Worse


This week’s topic…. Tendonitis. I’ve had a few cases of tendonitis at my Physical therapy clinic in Glendale, Arizona this past month and they’ve got three things in common… There’s a weakness in the muscle or one of the surrounding muscles, lots of muscle tension, and a history of repetitive movement under load. All of…

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Fastest Way To Relieve Elbow Pain

Tight Elbows

Whether you’re dealing with tendonitis, a golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, or any other names for this general condition, having elbow and high forearm pain can interfere a lot in everyday life. After all, elbows are involved every time you lift something and when it triggers a pain response every time, it can be really disheartening.…

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What is Tennis Elbow Caused By?

Tennis Elbow Keyboard

Although the term tennis elbow clearly originated from people hitting tennis balls around, the condition should be termed “computer elbow” at this point. These days, it’s more commonly caused by computer usage. Tennis elbow would best be described as a repetitive strain injury, which is ultimately induced by repetitive motions, leading to chronic exhaustion of…

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