How To Relieve Hip Bursitis – And Know that’s What you have [VIDEO]


    What is Hip Bursitis? I have many patients coming in suffering from hip pain over the outside of their hip, right near where our hands hand down at our side.  This is commonly diagnosed as hip bursitis.  This is an inflammation of the bursa sac which is a fluid-filled sac intended to help…

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What are signs of Bursitis?


I get this question a lot. As it probably applies to every joint. I have recently been seeing quite a few clients suffering from bursitis, but very few actually know what bursitis is. Now to understand a little about bursitis and why people get it, you first need to know exactly what a bursa is.…

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Who’s Most Likely To Suffer From Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis Syndrome

A Pain In the Butt (and hip and leg) Are YOU willing to sacrifice your independence as you age? This is an important question that we begin to ask ourselves when we start to hurt and ache with doing simple things throughout our day. When a patient comes to our clinic for an evaluation for…

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Top Strengthening Exercises For The Back

Back Pain

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Why Back Pain KEEPS Occurring…

Back Pain

Recently I reached out to my patients to inquire about what their biggest health challenge is that they are currently facing during these unprecedented times. I have taken the time to review the answers with great care. And here are two of the many responses I received all about back pain! “Nick… How do you…

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Golf Injuries and How ANY Golfer Can Avoid Them

Shoulder Injury

Golf injuries are extremely common. But the problem with golf is that most people who play it seem to put up with the injuries and continue to play through them. Many times they don’t want to accept that their injuries are a direct consequence of the sport that they love. what are common golf injuries?…

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What is the proper posture for sitting at a desk all day?

Desk Stretch

Sometimes it can surprise us how the smallest things in life can actually affect our health. Small things like wearing a heavy bag on the same shoulder every day, or the terrible posture you have from work, but so desperately want to get rid of. That’s right… it all adds up. Today we’ll be going…

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Frozen Shoulder? How To Improve Range Of Motion

Frozen Shoulder

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Don’t Do This When Having Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Are you currently suffering from shoulder pain? It’s one of the greatest mysteries of being 50+; the sudden onset of shoulder pain and stiffness that often creeps up without any warning or explanation. Sometimes it just happens! I’ve had a number of patients come to see us, saying things like… “I just woke up one…

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Is my Lifestyle Causing my Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder Pain

Often it can be hard to see what you’re doing wrong in your habits because, well, it’s your lifestyle. Your daily routine is so uniform to you that it can become second nature to read before bed, play on your tablet, or go for that golf game on Saturday morning. It is so uniform in…

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