What Can Be Done To Relieve Headaches?

Let’s talk about headaches… Ranging from a mid-afternoon head-pounding ache to an agonizing pain that leaves you sensitive to light and sometimes feeling sick, headaches are something that most, if not all of us, have suffered from at some point in our life. But for some, headaches are a much bigger problem and can even…

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Posture Isn’t That Important… Right?

Poor Posture

In the past, whenever I heard someone say “posture is important” or “you can do damage if you sit or stand incorrectly”, I honestly wouldn’t pay attention to it. There’s nothing worse than being ‘nagged’ to “Stand up straight” or “stop slouching!…” There are some instances where it just can’t be helped. As many others…

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Why Your Neck Pain Isn’t Caused by “Stress”

Neck Pain Sleeping

Recently I had received an email from someone concerned about his neck. He told me that his neck has always been a bit “sore” but he shrugged it off and never thought much of it. But for the past few days he finds that when he wakes up in the morning, it’s becoming painful to…

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How Can I Relieve My Neck Pain?

TV Posture

Let’s talk about one of the most common things that people aged 40+ who come to see my experience… The sudden onset of shoulder and neck tension. Many times it sneaks up on people without warning! There’s often no explanation as to why you might wake up with an annoying, nagging neck one day, that…

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Why am I Waking Up With Neck Pain?

Neck Pain

When patients ask me ‘why do I get neck pain?’ it can sometimes be a difficult question to answer. Not because I don’t know how to ease neck pain, but because I don’t know their personal circumstances. However, what I can suggest, is that your nighttime routine might be causing you neck pain. Why do…

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Can You Exercise With A Bad Back?

Let’s talk about if it’s safe to exercises with a bad back… Last week one of my patients came to me with a question, and it’s one that we get asked often: “Is it OK to exercise when my back is hurting? I just got into a routine of going to the gym and working…

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Pelvic Tilt

Low Back Pain

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Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Do Sit Ups?

Sit Up

A lady messaged me the other day after watching our technique videos about lower back pain and asked: “I get low back pain during sit-ups. Am I doing something wrong?, or should I avoid them?” Great question! I’m glad she asked because this time of year, people begin to get more active in preparation for…

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Why You Need To Drink More Water To Help Back Pain

Glass of Water

From drinking it and swimming in it, to the ice that reduces our swelling, water is all around us. As a matter of fact, it basically is us. Water makes up around two-thirds of who we are and influences every single process in our body. This probably explains why we feel a whole lot better…

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The Top Four Causes of Low Back Pain

Back Pain

There you are, going through life pain-free and doing all of the things that bring you joy in life. Playing a round of golf with your friends, running around with the grandkids, going for a bike ride with the family, or even tending to your garden. Then unexpectedly, something feels off with your lower back.…

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