Piriformis Syndrome: A Pain in the Butt

Hip Surgery

Piriformis Syndrome Causing You To Sacrifice Your Independence As You Age? This is an important question that we begin to ask ourselves when we start to hurt and ache in the hip and glute area with sitting or walking. When a patient comes to our clinic for an evaluation for their hip pain, we like…

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What Happens When You Pull A Muscle? SPrain vs STrain EXPLAINED (And what to do about it)

Rice Method

Have you ever pulled a muscle? If you’ve ever moved your body, chances are you’ve pulled a muscle. And when you do, don’t you know it! When you have a pulled muscle the pain can range from mild, like a minor neck strain you get from turning your head the wrong way, to very severe,…

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Why does my ankle Pain Keep coming back?

Foot and Ankle Pain

Here’s my latest post on why your ankle pain keeps coming back and how to ease it The Achilles tendon sits at the back of your heel and is also the thickest tendon in your body. A lot of the time if someone asks about ankle pain, it tends to be related to this tendon.…

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How Do You Deal With A Physical Injury?

Run or Rest

I see many people not giving themselves the best chance of staying active and healthy, simply because they don’t receive the best advice – and that’s unfortunate. So I’d like to take a moment to address a question that is commonly asked of me; One that I think is vitally important to make understood. ===…

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Plantar Fasciitis: How to Limit it

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is much easier to explain than it is to pronounce. So I’ll try my best: It’s basically an injury that you’d recognize from a very sharp ‘pin prick’ like pain underneath your foot. It can come from too much running, having a long-term problem with an Achilles tendon that wasn’t properly fixed, from…

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Do Exercises Always Work For Sports Injuries?


Why do Most Exercises never Work for Sports Injuries? When I get patients suffering from sports injuries, many are shocked to hear I’ll be giving them exercises to help with their recovery.  Many think that because they are active they don’t need exercise to help them get better.  Especially if their sports injury is from…

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Is 100% Recovery Ever Possible?

Ankle Pain

Nick here again and I’d like to talk to you about recovery… The more health conscious that we get as a nation, the more this question pops up in my clinic: “Will I return to 100% and be able to do everything that I used to be able to do, again?” The answer to this,…

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Sports Injury? Do I use Heat or Ice?

Heat or Ice

Today I want to talk to you about… Ice or heat? This is something I get lots of questions about when it comes to an injury and what works best. Most people know that applying ice or heat to an injury can help to speed up recovery. However, in my experience, many people don’t know…

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