Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Do Sit Ups?

Sit Up

A lady messaged me the other day after watching our technique videos about lower back pain and asked: “I get low back pain during sit-ups. Am I doing something wrong?, or should I avoid them?” Great question! I’m glad she asked because this time of year, people begin to get more active in preparation for…

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The Top Four Causes of Low Back Pain

Back Pain

There you are, going through life pain-free and doing all of the things that bring you joy in life. Playing a round of golf with your friends, running around with the grandkids, going for a bike ride with the family, or even tending to your garden. Then unexpectedly, something feels off with your lower back.…

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What Should I Do About My Hip Bursitis?


Bursitis can be caused by daily activities. Spring has officially begun and it’s getting warmer and warmer here in Arizona, more people are going outside to do their favorite activities. Whether it’s gardening, jogging, tennis, or golf, I’m seeing more people out and about enjoying the wonderful weather that Arizona has to offer. But, as…

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Piriformis Syndrome: A pain in the butt!

Piriformis Muscle

The Piriformis syndrome can be addressed and you do not need to go straight to a hip replacement. Take a second to think about your favorite activity. You’ve done it for years, either recreationally or professionally. Lately, the unrelenting pain in your hip has made it difficult to go on. So you end up switching…

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What’s Causing My Hip Pain?

Hip Pain

This week, I’m focusing on a common problem that we treat here at Preferred Physical Therapy: Hip Pain! When a patient describes their hip pain as either: pain radiating down the front of the leg, pain in front of the hip joint, or pain along the underwear line, this is considered a primary hip problem.…

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How to Avoid Common Running Injuries

Ankle Pain

Lately, on my way to and from work, I’ve been seeing lots of people running outside while the weather in Arizona is still enjoyable. How great is that! It’s never too early to start prepping for that 5k, half marathon, or marathon or even just running because you love to do so. But what I’m…

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5 Steps to Properly Recover From an Ankle Injury

Run or Rest

Most people have twisted their ankles in some way at this point in their life. Whether it be stepping off of a sidewalk wrong, stepping incorrectly in high heels, or even playing a favorite sport, the sharp pain that comes with twisting your ankle inwards can be pretty hard to forget. When dealing with a…

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Why Knee Pain Gets Worse While Exercising


With Spring and Summer quickly approaching, it’s no surprise when I get an influx of new patients at my clinic with complaints about knee pain around this time of year. Why? Most people tend to take up a more active lifestyle in order to prepare for the upcoming seasons. Those who are new to working…

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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

The two main types of pain that arise in the shoulder region include acute pain brought on by a sudden action and chronic pain that has built up over time and is persistent. Acute pain can be caused by an accident such as falling, being in a collision, or lifting too much at the gym,…

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Stop! Dont Do These 3 Things For Knee Pain

Knee Pain

A patient came into the clinic last week limping with knee pain and asked: “I’ve had this knee pain for a few weeks now, I’m not sure what I’ve done to it but I’ve tried taking pain meds prescribed by the doc but that didn’t help. I was trying to rest it so that it…

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