Can Vestibular Dysfunction Be Cured?


Today’s topic is something that surprises a lot of people that physical therapists treat and that is vertigo. I have seen hundreds of vertigo patients over the years in my practice, and without a shadow of a doubt, 99 out of 100 will say something to the effect of, “I don’t know why I’m here…

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What Actually Is Bursitis?


I have recently been seeing quite a few clients suffering from bursitis, but very few actually know what bursitis is.   Now to understand a little about bursitis and why people get it you first need to know exactly what a bursa is. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac (think of them as tiny cushions),…

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Why does my ankle Pain Keep coming back?

Foot and Ankle Pain

Here’s my latest post on why your ankle pain keeps coming back and how to ease it The Achilles tendon sits at the back of your heel and is also the thickest tendon in your body. A lot of the time if someone asks about ankle pain, it tends to be related to this tendon.…

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Sports Injury? Do I use Heat or Ice?

Heat or Ice

Today I want to talk to you about… Ice or heat? This is something I get lots of questions about when it comes to an injury and what works best. Most people know that applying ice or heat to an injury can help to speed up recovery. However, in my experience, many people don’t know…

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How to tell if it’s Ligament Damage or Muscle Damage?

This is a question I hear from clients when I tell them they’ve damaged their ligaments and it may take longer than it would take to heal the same degree of muscle damage. In order to fully answer this question, I have to explain a little further about ligaments first… Let’s Define Ligaments. Ligaments are…

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Stop Doing These 3 Things For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Are you currently suffering with, or have suffered shoulder pain before?… It’s one of the greatest mysteries of being 50+: the sudden onset of shoulder pain and stiffness that often creeps up on people with no warning and no explanation. Sometimes it just happens. I’ve had a number of patients come to see me and…

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Fastest Way To Relieve Elbow Pain

Tight Elbows

Whether you’re dealing with tendonitis, a golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, or any other names for this general condition, having elbow and high forearm pain can interfere a lot in everyday life. After all, elbows are involved every time you lift something and when it triggers a pain response every time, it can be really disheartening.…

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What is Tennis Elbow Caused By?

Tennis Elbow Keyboard

Although the term tennis elbow clearly originated from people hitting tennis balls around, the condition should be termed “computer elbow” at this point. These days, it’s more commonly caused by computer usage. Tennis elbow would best be described as a repetitive strain injury, which is ultimately induced by repetitive motions, leading to chronic exhaustion of…

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Why Your Neck Pain Isn’t Caused by “Stress”

Neck Pain Sleeping

Recently I had received an email from someone concerned about his neck. He told me that his neck has always been a bit “sore” but he shrugged it off and never thought much of it. But for the past few days he finds that when he wakes up in the morning, it’s becoming painful to…

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Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Do Sit Ups?

Sit Up

A lady messaged me the other day after watching our technique videos about lower back pain and asked: “I get low back pain during sit-ups. Am I doing something wrong?, or should I avoid them?” Great question! I’m glad she asked because this time of year, people begin to get more active in preparation for…

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