Have you found yourself spending more time at home recently? With recent guidelines mandating to stay indoors as much as possible for the foreseeable future, along with closures of most fitness classes and gyms, it is easy to become a little lost as far as how to continue your health and wellness journey. Whether you are juggling your children who are out of school, working from home, or self quarantining, exercising at home is a great stress reliever, as well as an easy way to break up your day and get moving.
The good news is, if you are willing to think a little bit outside of the box, there are plenty of ways you can fit in a full workout from home and continue to make gains toward your goals.
The great part about working out at home is that you can make your workouts fit into your schedule. Not having to worry about making it to the gym, an exercise class, or a training session can be very liberating.
Do you want to do yoga today and a full-body circuit workout tomorrow? You can! Would you rather go for a run (while maintaining social distancing, of course) rather than do pull-ups and deadlifts? You do you!
The more interested you are in your workouts, the more likely you are to stick to your fitness goals.
If you do happen to be working from home, getting in a quick twenty-minute cardio session, or fifteen minutes of weight lifting between calls is a great use of your break to get up and out of your chair and get those most likely tight muscles moving. The best part is you are already at home if you need to rinse off afterward!
One benefit of exercising at home rather than going to the gym is, the only person to compare yourself to, is yourself. You don’t have to worry about other people taking the equipment you want, whether the equipment is clean, or if you forgot the combination lock for your locker at home.
You can feel free to pop on a Zumba video on youtube, fall over trying to do a new yoga pose, or sweat as hard as you want to a boot camp video, with no one there to judge you. Except maybe your dog watching from the doorway. Working out at home is a great way to try something new without the fear of judgment, and a great time to master a new type of exercise where you are free to practice all you want until you nail it.
watch this video for an at-home upper body workout.
Whether your work situation has been impacted by the shelter in place orders placed in your state, or you decided to self-quarantine for the health and safety of you and those around you, we all like to save a few dollars where we can.
Avoiding gym fees is one benefit to working out at your own home, or going for a run, or working out in the park. Not to mention the added cost of childcare while you go to the gym and need someone to watch your little ones. At home, you can even incorporate your littles into your workouts, who needs dumbbells when you have wriggling kids within arms reach?!
shopping around the holidays? Is shopping really an exercise? Read this blog to find out.
An added benefit is that you get to avoid the travel time consumed going back and forth to a gym. Although it may seem minimal, a fifteen-minute drive or walk to the gym, each way, can add up to an extra thirty minutes of self-care time later. Of course, some people do rely on professional help to stay on track, for accountability and safe workout programming.
There are always online options for workouts, you can check out youtube for free exercise classes, or contact fitness professionals, who are working virtually to meet the changing demands of what our population needs.
If you have questions about working out from home, call the clinic: 623.486.3333 to inquire about our FREE virtual workout classes
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