- Name: Marlene
- Age: 80s
- Pain point: Back
- Outcome:
Relieved her back pain without having to get injections
Marlene’s Story
What was the obstacle in coming to physical therapy?
The doctor who did my surgery said “all you need to do it walk’, but I really felt that he was wrong and that I needed the therapy. And I still think I did.
What was your problem prior to coming in for physical therapy?
It was my back, but Nick helps me in a lot of ways.
Did you try anything else that didn’t work?
I only tried one thing. I went to the doctor that did my surgery and I told him my back was hurting so he put a needle in my back. It didn’t help at all so I quit that. I went one time and one time was enough because I think that physical therapy is what I need. And Nick’s the guy!
If a family member or friend were experiencing pain and hesitant on getting physical therapy, what advice would you give them?
I’d tell them to come to Nick. I’d even give them a map!
What did you enjoy the most about come to Preferred?
Everybody here is nice and friendly. Everybody. It’s just a nice atmosphere.
Did we help you to achieve your goal?
He’s helped me a lot. And right now, I have no pain at all. I’m not hurting. And that feels good!
What to Watch Out For:
- Standing
- Walking
- Rest