- Name: Jordan
- Age: 20s
- Pain point: Knee
- Outcome:
Returned to exercising regularly and working without knee discomfort.
Jordan’s Story
How long did you wait before deciding to seek a physical therapist?
It was about a year and a half to two years.
What was the obstacle in coming to see a physical therapist?
Well, my pain wasn’t that bad so I didn’t think it was a big deal. But then I started thinking that I didn’t want it to become even more painful in the future.
What was your problem and how bad was it prior to coming to Preferred Physical Therapy?
I was having knee patella pain that nagged at me all day, everyday.
What was your knee pain causing you to miss out on?
Usually I would just prefer to sit. I would never go to the mall with my friends because I knew it would bother me.
Did you try anyt hing else that didn’t work?
I iced it a lot and it helped, but it didn’t fix the problem.
What would you say to someone who was in pain but skeptical on gett ing physical t herapy?
If the pain isn’t going away, then definitely try physical therapy. I’ve been to physical therapy in the past for other things and it helped me back then as well.
What did you enjoy the most about coming to Preferred PT?
Honestly I really do enjoy the people here. I’m going to miss coming here. It’s just a really fun environment and I’ll miss talking to the other patients.
What was your goal and did we help you to achieve it?
I wanted my knee to stop nagging me all the time. They’ve shown me the exercises that I need to do so I feel much more confident and my knee is much stronger now.
What to Watch Out For:
• Standing for long periods of time
• Bending down to pick something up
• Pressure
• Walking
• Being on the move
• Icing