- Name: Erik
- Age: 40s
- Pain point: Neck
- Outcome:
Return to mountain biking and getting back to the gym without pain
Erik’s Story
How long did you wait before deciding on physical therapy and what was the obstacle?
First, I had some spinal injections with medications that helped temporarily but [the pain] seemed to always come back. Then, I saw Nick and liked his idea of trying to find solutions that didn’t involve surgery.
What was it and how bad was your problem prior to receiving physical therapy?
I was in a car wreck. They actually thought I had fractured my neck. I could barely walk or stand up straight. I couldn’t sleep in a bed. I was in a recliner chair and on a lot of pain medications.
What was your pain preventing you from doing?
Prior to the accident, I was riding my mountain bike four or five times a week and going to the gym three times a week. Not to mention playing with my child; It’s hard to keep up with an active ten-year-old when you can’t move very well.
What would you say to someone who was experiencing pain but skeptical about physical therapy?
I would encourage them to come and get an evaluation. Try it out, the exercises help. It seems strange at first because it’s simple movements, but over time as you get that strength back, you get that range of motion and the ability to be functional again.
Out of all the things that you enjoyed about coming to Preferred Physical Therapy, what did you enjoy the most?
It feels like you’re part of a big family and everybody works as a team and encourages you to be successful. It was actually kind of a fun place to go.
What were you wanting to achieve and did we help you to achieve it?
I wanted to avoid surgery and stop taking pain medications.
What to Watch Out For:
- Working at a computer for more than 2 hours
- Driving with hands at top of steering wheel
- Laying on my back or massage