- Name: Deon
- Age: 20s
- Pain point: Knee
- Outcome:
Able to play basketball again and go back to work
Deon’s Story
How long did you wait before deciding to come to physical therapy?
About a month or two. I didn’t think that I needed it at first but I was in a lot of pain so my lawyer said I should go.
What was an how bad was your problem prior to coming to PPT?
I was in a car accident and was having low back pain and knee pain. My pain level was around an 8 out of 10 and when I was resting it was still around a 6.
What was your pain causing you to miss out on?
I couldn’t work an 8 hour shift so it was affecting my job.
Did you try anything else that didn’t work?
The doctor had prescribed me some medicine but I felt as though it wasn’t enough so I decided to come here.
What would you say to someone who was experiencing pain but hesitant on coming to physical therapy?
I would tell them to come here because this place is amazing. Nick worked on me and got me better within 3 to 4 weeks. I just really like this place.
Out of all the things that you enjoyed about coming to PPT, what did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed sitting down and relaxing while they put ice and heat on my legs. I’d just relax and watch basketball during treatment.
What was your goal and did we help you to achieve it?
I wanted to get back to playing basketball. They definitely helped me do that. I can now dunk just as good and maybe a little bit better than I could before and I appreciate them for that.
What to Watch Out For:
- Walking
- Movement
- Working
- Pain medication