
case study photo

  • Name: Deborah
  • Age: 60s
  • Pain point: Hip
  • Outcome:

    Feels human again and is rid of the pain

Deborah’s Story

How long did you wait before deciding to get physical therapy?
Not very long. I was in a lot of pain and I knew I had to do something. My doctor was dragging his feet, so we both decided that physical therapy might be the first way to go.

What was and how bad was your problem prior to getting physical therapy?
My problem was back and hip pain. Because of the hip stiffness, I wasn’t able to walk, maybe even 50 feet, so I had an extreme problem. A lot of pain and little ability to move.

Did you try anything else that didn’t work?
Nothing helped me. Medications I can’t do because I’m allergic to a lot of things, so I was pretty much stuck. If Nick couldn’t help me … well I didn’t know. I didn’t know what my life was going to be like. And it was very scary.

Did you have experience with physical therapy prior to coming to Preferred Physical Therapy?
Yes, I had physical therapy on my knee at one time. So I knew that it was possible to feel better with physical therapy. But, with all of the problems I was having, I wasn’t sure that physical therapy would work for me. But it turned out to be life saving

What would you say to someone who was in pain, but skeptical about physical therapy?
I would say definitely come here. When people ask for recommendations for physical therapy, I am the first to provide Nick’s name and phone number to all of my neighbors and Facebook friends. I’m kind of a Nick fan!

Out of all the things that you enjoyed about coming to Preferred Physical Therapy, what did you enjoy the most?
The facility is clean, it’s bright, there was music playing. I really appreciate the people that work here, how nice, kind and considerate they are. They really want you to get better and they really care about you. That’s a nice, pleasant feeling when you’re not feeling good.

What was your goal, and did we help you to achieve it?
The number one thing that I wanted was to just feel human again. I wasn’t able to stand up straight, I wasn’t able to walk for more than 50 feet, and as of today I can stand up straight and I can walk. I really do feel like Nick gave me my life back?

What to Watch Out For:

Pain scale: 10/10
Pain description: Dull and achy pain down into the hip and thigh. Leg sometimes gave out
Worse with:
  • Walking
  • Any activity
  • As the day progresses
Better with:
  • Rest
Number of visits: 8

Now Watch the Video to Hear the Full Story…

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