
case study photo

  • Name: Dakota
  • Age: 20s
  • Pain point: Back
  • Outcome:

    Able to work and take her dog on a walk without pain shooting from the back into the leg

Dakota’s Story

How long did you wait before coming in for physical therapy?
I want to say 2 months. I had a few doctors visits and then had to get an MRI before I got my referral.

What was and how bad was your back problem prior to coming to Preferred PT?
I’ve had back problems, probably for the past three years. I was recently in a minor fender bender and it tweaked a previous injury. I had two bulging discs in my lower spine, and being as young as I am, it’s pretty frustrating. I knew immediately I had to fix it.

What was your back pain causing you to miss out on?
It made day to day life a little bit more uncomfortable and difficult. I do a lot of movement at work like mopping and bending and it was becoming very difficult. I was starting to have pain down my leg when I went walking with my dog too.

Did you try anything else that didn’t work?
I was taking muscle relaxers and while they do make sleep a little more comfortable, they weren’t much help during the day. I also did injections which seemed to make things worse.

What would you say to someone who was experiencing back pain but hesitant on seeing a physical therapist?
I would tell them it definitely works. It helps with pain and I’m stronger in both of my legs and my hips. I’ve done all the stretches that help a lot and you guys have taught me how to do stuff at home that’s helped tremendously. I’d recommend you guys and physical therapy in general.

Out of all the things you enjoyed about coming to Preferred PT, what did you enjoy the most?
It was definitely when I laid down on the table and we worked through the muscles that I had just worked out.

What were you wanting to achieve, and did our team help you to achieve it?
My goal was basically to not have pain in every day life and physical therapy has definitely helped.

What to Watch Out For:

Pain scale: 4/10
Pain description: Bulging discs causing constant pain
Worse with:
  • Sitting
  • Turning
  • Walking
  • Doing work
Better with:
  • Heat
Number of visits: 12

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