
case study photo

  • Name: Marilyn
  • Age: 60s
  • Pain point: Hip
  • Outcome:

    Has returned to walking without the assistance of a walker

Marilyn’s Story

How long did you wait before deciding on physical therapy and what was the obstacle?
I had hip replacement surgery. After a lot of hip pain for about eight years, I finally decided to do the surgery. I had therapy [before] on my ankle that was very helpful and my wrist, last year. So I was anxious to get back into therapy.

What was and how bad was your problem prior to receiving physical therapy?
My biggest problem was that one leg appeared to be shorter than the other, which was a problem in my hips, not my legs. The therapists worked a lot to straighten that out for me.

What would you say to someone who was experiencing pain but skeptical about physical therapy?
I would always encourage anyone who has any kind of an injury or surgery or a break that therapy is very helpful. You learn what you can do and what not to do. ANd what to do to help it heal better. It’s very encouraging to have someone walk the road with you to recovery.

Out of all the things that you enjoyed about coming to Preferred Physical Therapy, what did you enjoy the most?
They really helped it go faster than me waiting for a year for me legs to come back to where they need to be.

What were you wanting to achieve and did we help you to achieve it?
​​​​​​​I wanted to be able to walk without having an insert in my shoe to get my hips closer to the same level. We are back to less than half of an inch — it was two inches when I came in!

What to Watch Out For:

Pain scale: 8/10
Pain description: Pain in the joint and down the front of the thigh
Worse with:
  • Walking
Better with:
  • Rest

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