
case study photo

  • Name: Ben
  • Age: 40s
  • Pain point: Back
  • Outcome:

    PT states that he is 50% better. Does not take him as long to recover and is not taking as many medications.

Ben’s Story

How long did you wait before deciding on physical therapy and what was the obstacle?

I am an army veteran and I was experiencing issues since 2006 but it took me a while to get to where I am dealing with the military.

What was it and how bad was your problem prior to receiving physical therapy?

I was experiencing severe back problems. I developed neuropathy due to a bulging disc and eventually a spinal fusion.

What was your pain preventing you from doing?

It was preventing me from watching my youngest and doing fatherly things with him. I was unable to walk for a long time or enjoy a vacation with the family.

What would you say to someone who was experiencing pain but skeptical about physical therapy?

They need to try Preferred physical therapy before they try anywhere else. I had the option of going somewhere else but I chose here due to the fact of how personal they were even if I am not a current patient.

Out of all the things that you enjoyed about coming to Preferred Physical Therapy, what did you enjoy the most?

How personal everyone is and treats you like a person rather than a patient.

What were you wanting to achieve and did we help you to achieve it?

To have a little bit more mobility and a little less pain even if it doesn’t fully go away. My aches and pains still come and go but I am able to do more than when I first started.

What to Watch Out For:

Pain scale: 10/10
Pain description: Sharp, Ache, Numb, Burning, Throbbing, Shooting
Worse with:
  • Lifting
  • Doing anything for periods of time
Better with:
  • Heat, sleeping
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage Gun

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