“Learn Secret Recovery Strategies That Only Pro Athletes Know And Use...
Recovery Plans For The Most Common Injuries”
Are You A Frustrated Athlete? Ready For FREE Information From An Expert Sports Physical Therapist To Give You A Competitive Edge?
“Here’s How Any Injured Sports Person Can End The Frustration Of Being Left Behind Or In-active, And Even Put A Stop To The ‘FEAR’ That So Often Comes With Running, Cycling Or Playing Again, After Injury, And Not Being 100% Sure If You’re Fit Enough To Do It”
Keep Reading To Discover How To Get The Best Expert Advice, Tips, And Exercises That Will End Your Frustration And Put You Safely Back In Your Running, Golfing, Cycling, Or Crossfitting Shoes, In No Time At All. Shown To You FREE!
If your need is Urgent, Please Call now to get seen quicker:

Dr.Nick Hunter PT, DPT
Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
A Personal Message from Sports Specialist Physical Therapist, Dr. Nick Hunter:
Dear Frustrated Athlete,
Whether you’re a competitive runner, crossfitter, an all-weather golfer or a 25K weekend cyclist currently frustrated by an injury that just doesn’t seem to heal on its own, you’ve come looking in the right place for help!
No matter how long your lack of progress has frustrated you, please know that what you’re dealing with is probably nothing more serious from what I’ve seen in all my years of serving top athletes of all ages. Whatever the root cause of your concern is, I’m highly confident that I have a solution to help you and it’s one that will result in you being active and exercising again within days.
Sports Injuries should be taken seriously. After all, being injured stops you from taking part in activities that are very important to you, not to mention adds huge value and satisfaction to your life.
If You Are Frustrated By Your Lack Of Progress And Are Desperate To Know What’s Wrong, As Well As How Soon It Can Be Fixed, Then I Have A Solution That Will HELP You…
Whether you pulled a calf muscle, damaged your hamstring, twisted a knee, sprained an ankle or are suffering from runners’ knee or shin splints, I have a solid track record in helping athletes, just like you, quickly recover and get back to doing the activities they love.
I understand that athletes who perform for their livelihood want results and they want to be fit fast. There is no such thing as just “waiting to see how an injury goes,” time is of the essence and every day that passes is crucial to progress.
The good news for you is that with my vast experience working with high level athletes, I’ve been able to perfect all my secret recovery tactics, expert techniques and “do this today, do that tomorrow” advice and package it in such a way that I can share it with everyone to help them get fit and stay fit.
I’ll use my expertise to tell you how long it will take to get you going again without pain and make the call on exactly what you can safely be doing to exercise and for how long right up until the day you achieve your fitness level. You can be sure that you are NOT going to “breakdown” again anytime soon.
Does that sound like something you’d be interested in or what you’re looking for?
If You’ve Already Rested For Weeks And Your Problem Shows No Sign Of Recovery. I Can Tell You Why It Hasn’t Healed And I Am Here To Tell You That There Is Hope.
It’s no surprise to me that so many frustrated runners, golfers, cyclists, and crossfitters are knocking on my door and asking for help because most muscle and Sports Injuries can never heal properly, if left alone.
Despite what some people think, rest is never the answer to solve any sports or muscle injury. In all my years as a physical therapist working with athletes, I haven’t witnessed any injury in any sport that is helped with prolonged rest.
Sure, as you rest the pain decreases. However, pain free at rest is not the goal. What about the scar tissue that builds every day as you rest? That scar tissue buildup can produce tightness, stiffness, and inflexibility which could tear at any time. This is the number one reason why most runners, golfers, cyclists, and crossfitters breakdown within weeks of starting up again.
Luckily, I know just what to do to stop the vicious cycle and it involves lots of skilled and very deep massage, performing exercises at just the right time and even looking at your lower back to confirm problems aren’t originating from there – because they often do! I also may need to look at your feet to check for a muscle imbalance or advise specific exercises that will make you stronger and more flexible, resulting in less chance of being injured again.
After doing all of that with you, I can guarantee that you will see an improvement and it will happen fast! EVERYTHING that I suggest is geared towards you being active again as fast and as safely as possible.
But before I show you how I can help, please let me tell you who I can help:
Here's Who I Can Help…
For obvious reasons, I can’t give away all of my best advice to just any runner, golfer, cyclist or crossfitter who calls. But, if you can say YES to any of the following then you are right to be looking for Specialist advice from a Top Sports Physical Therapist:
- You’re a golfer or runner with a dull ache or even severe pain in your Achilles tendon
- You’re a runner suffering pain on the OUTSIDE of your knee caused by a tight IT Band (A.K.A - Runners knee)
- You’re a crossfitter with shoulder pain that makes it difficult to perform overhead lifts
- You have or think you might have shin splints, a calf strain or an ankle sprain and it seems no matter how much time you give it, there’s no sign of a significant improvement
- You can’t understand why the hamstring you injured weeks ago, the one that seems to be fine when you walk or jog, won’t let you pick up the pace without getting tighter and more painful
- You’re a cyclist or golfer with a stiff, achy or even painful lower back
- You value the enjoyment you get from your health too highly to risk suffering any long term complications, and want to seek the best advice possible
- You aren’t interested in the “painkillers and rest” advised by the Doctor, nor do you like the generic exercises so often given out by other physical therapists
If You’ve Come To This Page Because You’re FED UP Of Being Unable To Exercise, Worried You’re Not Properly Fit And Want A Specialist Sports Physical Therapist To Just Sort It All For You Properly, Here Is What I Can Do...
I have a proven solution that works at ending ALL of the common sports injuries, FAST. Regardless of whether you’ve been injured for days, weeks or even months, I’m going to get you active again and help you find more enjoyment from exercise because you’ll leave my care fully fit and able to do what you love without any fear of being re-injured.
Specialized hands-on sports physical therapy involves me and my team working on you in a person, and by hand using all of our best techniques to bring about a fast end to scar tissue, stiffness and tightness that is likely keeping you on the sidelines. We’ll end your concerns and worries by answering all your questions. Deep therapeutic massage will ease muscle tension and tightness naturally, and when combined with PNF stretching and targeted exercises, making you stronger and more flexible. It is this combination that is going to make a POSITIVE difference to what you can do , how quickly you can do it, and how long you can do it for.
Truth be told, if you saw these changes in a matter of days, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
If you are wanting to find the best exercises – the ones specific to you and your exercise and sports needs, that will make a difference in how fast you get better, I’ll give you all of them too – maybe even the very first time that we meet. Doing the exercise routines I know of is going to be the best way for you to avoid being injured again, any time soon.
If all of that which I’ve just offered sounds like something you’d be interested in or what you came looking for, then start by pressing the yellow button below to make a simple no hassle, no obligation inquiry about the cost and soonest availability.
Option 1
If you desire to dive right in and get started, give us a quick call at (623).486.3333, and we’ll get you all set to come to see us.
If You’d Prefer, I’ll Find 15 Minutes In My Day To Personally Chat With You And Walk You Through What To Do.
“Telephone Consultations work great”!
You will love what they can do for you and you will see that I CAN help you.
If you ARE serious about your fitness and you’ve decided enough is enough of being frustrated and missing out, and you’re even somewhat interested in what an expert Hands-On Sports Physical Therapist like me can do for you, then a good place for us to start is by talking on the phone.
And when we do talk, I will show you:
- What makes my sports injury advice so DIFFERENT from all the other options you have.
- Why, if you’re aged 40 and above and like to be active even if injured, we could very well be your BEST option.
- What you will experience here at Preferred Physical Therapy will be NOTHING like you’ve ever tried elsewhere.
- Why most people who start out skeptical about physical therapy, maybe because they’ve tried it before, LOVE what we do for them and how it has everything to do with what happens in the first 20 seconds that we speak
I’d like to offer you a FREE telephone consultation that’s perfect for exercise enthusiasts serious about their health and interested in discovering what their best options are to get fit. Doing it this way will let us get to know each other before going ahead with and confirming an in-person physical therapy session.
It works, it allows you and me to decide if we are a good fit and you will leave knowing with 100% certainty that I am going to be able to help you get fit like you hope.
Again, there’s no obligation here to book an appointment after we’ve spoken – the ball’s in your court.
This is an EASY option and it’s where most people start in their journey back to physical fitness. If you want to join them, click the yellow button below now and enter your details on the form. You’ll receive a call back very soon from our office manager to schedule a time for us to talk on the phone.
Option 2
While You’re Already Here, How About You “Turn Yourself Into An Expert” And Take All Of My Best Tips And Jumpstart Your Return To Exercise And Sports, RIGHT NOW!
Maybe you’re at the very beginning of your search to regain your fitness and just browsing, hoping to find some helpful advice you can take away with you immediately. Or, you’re looking for some exclusive recovery tips - the kind only given out by the experts and are used by pro-athletes.
If that’s you, you are in luck!
I Have Compiled All Of The 7 Recovery Strategies That I Use With Pro-Athletes And Put Them Into One Easy To Follow At Home (With Step By Step Instructions) Special Report.
For a limited time only, I’m giving away my published special report on all the best ways to Get Fit and Stay Fit for FREE and I’d like for you to have a copy before you leave this website. Following any of these top tips will make a difference to your fitness success.
This report will shed light on the clouded and very confused world of recovering from a sports injury, it gives hope and offers clarity and encouragement for a future free from frustration as well as the fear many athletes carry with them of being injured again soon. You will also have access to step-by-step instructions on the best ways to get going again from all of the common injuries that any runner, golfer, cyclist or crossfitter is likely to suffer.
Best of all, this FREE report lets you sample and get a feel for how a Specialist Private Sports Physical Therapist like me can help you while simultaneously making immediate progress to stop frustration and worry and help you to get fit QUICK.
If this option works best for you, go ahead and claim your FREE Report and finally start making the progress you’ve been searching for instantly in the comfort of your own home, right NOW.
It’s titled...
“The 7 Secret Recovery Strategies That Only Pro-Athletes Know And Use!”
It offers quick, easy, and cost-free tips “To Get Fit And Stay Fit” along with the exact week-by-week start to end recovery plans used by pro-athletes for the 7 most common sports injuries.
Here is what you will see when you open it up in the next few minutes...
- Struggling with an Achilles Injury? Find out what you MUST do in week 2 of your recovery to make a big difference in how quickly you recover (hint: any golfer or runner is going to benefit from knowing this).
- Maybe you’ve Pulled Your Hamstring? Did you know that it’s SAFE to start running again within DAYS despite being in some discomfort? Find out how far you can push it and why a certain type of pain when you start up again is a good thing. Learn to distinguish between the two different types of pain as talked about in week 1.
- Did you pull Your Calf Muscle? Find out what you can do in week 2 that will make a huge difference and will stop you from running with the fear of being re-injured.
- Have you Twisted Your Ankle and Sprained Ligaments? If you have, you’ll soon know HOW quickly you can get going again and what to do to stop scar tissue from making your ankles as weak as glass!
- Have you experienced a fall and Damaged Your Knee Ligaments? What you do in the first week is the most important. Discover why most people are shocked about what they should already be doing by the time they reach week 2.
- Like to run after work, but stopped by a Burning Pain On The Outside Of Your Knee? It’s likely to be runner’s knee or ITB Syndrome. This report shows you exactly what to put on, how long to stop for and why and what activity is your best way to keep fit all while the pain decreases.
- Maybe you’ve got a Pain On The Inside Of Your Shins stopping you from running? It’s likely to be shin splints and there are only two things you need to do in week 1 and three things you need to do in week 2.

If you’re looking for answers to any of the questions above then it’s time to request my free tips report. You can get FREE access by clicking on the yellow button below and confirming your details or you can call the clinic at (623).486.3333
Best Wishes,
Dr.Nick Hunter
PT, DPT, Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
P.S. There are a limited number of free copies of this report available, so please claim your copy today.

Option 3
Join Hundreds Of Other People Who Were Finally Able To END Their Injury And Lack Of Exercise Frustrations…
All The Top Tips Revealed And Exactly How Any Runner, Golfer, Cyclist, or Exercise Enthusiast Can Finally Begin To Enjoy Being Active and Safely Exercising Again.
Yours Free From Top Professional Sport Physical Therapist, Nick Hunter
“Fill Out The Form To Get YOUR Special Report With All The Best Ways To Get Fit” (...It’s Currently FREE!)
Leave Your Details And Get All This Advice NOW...

More about the person you will be helped by…
Dr. Nick Hunter is the owner and founder of Phoenix’s Leading Specialist Private Physical Therapy practice for people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who want to keep healthy, active and independent.
Dr. Nick Hunter is a graduate of University of Utah where he received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Since 2010, Dr. Nick has administrative experience in physical therapy, sports and orthopedic fields. Dr. Nick Hunter has worked in a variety of settings (hospital, outpatient, private practice), and started Preferred Physical Therapy with the goal of providing a different rehabilitation experience. An experience that will allow patients to again find joy in their journey. One that will put patients back on the right track so they can get back to living a healthy, independent lifestyle free from pain medications, injections and surgery.
Dr. Nick Hunter has a manual osteopathic approach to patient treatments, with an emphasis on bio-mechanical analysis, correction and return to function.
He has worked in educational development serving as a mentor and clinical instructor to local Physical Therapy Students.
Nick enjoys jeeping (off-roading in the beautiful town of Sedona), camping, crossfitting, coaching, and most importantly spending time with his wife and four active boys.
Meet Mark
Meet Jordan
Meet Regina
Two or three years ago I felt a tweak in my back, and the next day I was on the ground, couldn't get up. Pulled some discs, all the usual things, and I've been off and on with back pain. I've gone to the chiropractor. I've gotten massage therapy. I've done everything but physical therapy, and there's not really a reason why, other than I thought, you know, "Give it some rest, chiropractic work, stretch a little bit better, and I would be better." That obviously wasn't the case.
So fast-forward to probably about six weeks ago, seven weeks ago, I had another flare-up with my back, caused me to miss work. And so, finally, I came in here to Preferred PT and it was very slow at start because my back was so screwed up and I couldn't do anything. And while coming here, I finally was able to start getting some relief, and probably learned a little bit more about my body to the point where, today, I'm pain-free. I have a plan at the gym. I modify a lot of things, but, I mean, we'll work out and stay active. So I'm in a lot better place now than I was six weeks ago.Peter Early 30's, Glendale
I had pain in my shoulder that was really bothering me. I had to cut back on weightlifting and I really didn't want to do that. I waited 8 months before coming into Preferred Physical Therapy because I thought it would heal on its own. I tried heat and ice on my shoulder and a ton of Ibuprofen, none of it worked.
I wasn’t sure what Physical Therapy would do but I was hoping it would alleviate the symptoms I was experiencing in my shoulder. If my best friend or family member had pain and were procrastinating I would tell them go get help right away. It is not going to get better on its own. The highlight for me coming to Preferred Physical Therapy was the chatter, the sports talk, and the Jeep talk. I am happy to say I am back weightlifting and enjoying my active lifestyle.Michael Mid 50's, Peoria
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