“Learn Natural Ways To Stop… Daily, Annoying Neck And Headache Pain
From Disturbing Your Sleep And Active Lifestyle!”
“Here’s How You Can Get In On All The Free Advice Currently Being Given Away By Our Best Physical Therapists To People Who Want To Know How To Bring A Fast End To Their Daily Annoying And Nagging Neck And Headache Pain Before It Gets Any Worse.”
...Meaning A Better Night's Sleep, More Energy, Less Worry, And Above All, MORE Freedom To Do Things With LESS PAIN And Less Tension! Wouldn’t That Be Nice?
If your need is Urgent, Please Call now to get seen quicker:

Dr.Nick Hunter PT, DPT
Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
From the desk of Dr. Nick Hunter Physical Therapist, Neck and Headache Specialist:
Let me say this right away – if you’re reading this and you’re 40 years of age and older, you’re obviously very serious about and protective of your health. You’re right to object to the painkillers and GENERIC exercises likely offered to you by your doctor. You won’t need me to tell you that painkillers don’t get to the bottom of these types of problems and worse yet, all they ever do is mask the pain, often making it worse in the end.
If you’re suffering with daily annoying and nagging pain in your neck and experiencing terrible headaches, the first thing I want you to know is that I’m familiar with your problem. ALL of your concerns are real and you ARE looking in the right place for a solution to end it fast.
Neck and Headache Pain is VERY serious and it’s true that they often go hand in hand. The presence of one often signals the arrival of the other in the near future.
If You’re Worried About What’s Causing Your Pain Or Just Feel Let Down By Your Doctor That wasn’t able to Offer The Right Or Natural that didn’t involve harmful painkillers, then I’m Here To Help.
I’d like to make it clear that I’m NOT like any of the other physical therapists out there. My advice is nothing like the advice you’ll ever receive from a primary care physician - simply because I’m a private physical therapist expertly trained and specializing in helping people like you with Neck and Headache Pain.
Unlike most primary care physician’s these days, I WILL take the time to listen to you and I do want to hear all about what’s concerning you.
I’ve been doing this since 2010 and if you’re suffering with Neck and Headache pain one of my goals is to offer you a solution that will let you avoid the need for harmful medication. I want you to be able to completely sidestep the primary care physician to evade any frustration that option so often causes.
Your suffering is going to end fast. I know exactly what causes this type of pain because I see it EVERY DAY. Despite an often lack of visible signs of damage or injury, which may be a source of confusion, I know what you’re suffering from is real, painful and shouldn’t be ignored. More importantly, there is HOPE for a future that doesn’t include you being woken up during the night by nagging Headache Pain or unwanted Tension in your Neck.
Be Very Wary Of Taking General Advice. No, It’s Not Your Age And You Do Not Have To Accept It!
Despite what any Doctor tells you, your pain is unlikely to have anything to do with your age, nor do you just have to accept it. It’s sad, but true that so many Doctors fail to recognize the warning signs of Neck and Headache Pain and FAIL to act before “nagging and annoying” turns SEVERE and PAINFUL.
This type of thing can get worse quick and is sure to happen if it’s just masked with painkillers. You won’t need me to remind you that life would be even more difficult if you’re suffering with the severe headaches and intense pain that so often results because your real underlying problem is ignored.
That’s why I want to offer you my help and expertise immediately without any upfront payment or delay.
Here's Who I Can Help...
Please know that I am not able to help everyone and that’s why I just don’t offer to work with anyone. But, if you are aged 40-64+ and can say “YES” to any of the following, then you’re right to be looking for solid advice and it’s very likely that I’m going to be able to help you in the way that you hope:
- You’ve got tension and/or pain in your neck area that’s been there for longer than 9 days.
- Your sleep is disturbed by a tightness or tension in your neck that gets worse through the night.
- You’re suffering from pain DAILY, are concerned, and have no idea why it even happened to you.
- You spend a lot of time sitting and that makes pain worse.
- You’ve only been given painkillers by your doctor, but secretly know that this is not the best option (or the one you want to take).
- You’ve got headaches and or migraines that seem to be getting more intense or more frequent – or you’re worried about either coming back.
There are several ways I’m going to be able to help you,
Maybe You’ve Had Enough Of Living With All This Pain (And Tension) And Want Somebody Like A Specialist Hands On Physical Therapist To Finally “End It All For You” And Fast?
If that’s you, then GREAT NEWS, because I have a proven solution that works at ending neck and headache pain (quickly and naturally).
Specialist Hands-On Physical Therapy involves me and my team working on you in person, and by hand, using all our BEST techniques to bring about a FAST end to the suffering and concerns you are experiencing. Manual Realignment of your neck is VITAL and is the fastest and easiest way to end all this pain and it can often happen in days.
Don’t worry - it’s easy and it’s simple to do.
It’s just one of the pain easing techniques that I use daily to help people like you and involves me doing plenty of nice massage to release and relax tight muscles and gentle rocking of your joints, just to ease them back into the right place.
And if you're aged 45+, I can absolutely GUARANTEE that when I combine all of this, you’re going to feel a BIG difference and your pain will DROP quickly. That would make a difference, right?
Option 1
I’d like to STOP any long-term problems too and to do that I’ll make sure that you’re doing the BEST exercises by showing you a routine that WORKS for YOU. Please know that any exercises you get from me or my team WON’T be “generic” like the ones given out by other therapists. The exercises you get from me will be personalized for YOU and YOUR health needs specifically.
That said, if you’re at all interested in getting EXPERT help like this...
A Good Place For Us To Start Is By Talking On The Phone...
I can help you. And if your need is urgent, as in, you’ve decided you’ve suffered enough with pain, you’re fed up of being messed around with by less skilled therapists, and you’re even somewhat interested in what an expert hands-on physical therapist like me can do for you, then a good place for us to start is by talking on the phone.
I’d like to offer you a FREE telephone consultation that is perfect and only for health-conscious people, serious about protecting their health and interested in discovering what their BEST options are. Doing it this way will let us get to know each other before confirming an in-person physical therapy appointment at my Clinic.
It works, because doing it this way will allow you and me to decide if we’re a good fit and leave you knowing with 100% certainty that I’m going to be able to help you like you hope, giving you confidence if you decide to proceed with in-person specialized care at my clinic.
This option is where most people start their journey back to better health. If you want to join them, please go ahead and click the green button here NOW then just enter your details. Our office manager will call you back very soon to set up a time to talk.
Option 2
Or, you can set up a time to talk to me by speaking to my office manager, using this number: (623).486.3333. If you did wish to go ahead and book an appointment with me because you like the sound of what I’m offering, then use this same number (623).486.3333.
There Is Another Way I Would Like To Offer My Help And Best Advice To You...
Are you at the very beginning of your search and just browsing, hoping to find some helpful advice that you can take away with you IMMEDIATELY? Or, are you looking for some secret tips, the kind only experts give out, and ones that you can use in your own home to make a start on ending your Neck and Headache Pain, right now?
If that’s you, you’re in luck!
I’d Like To Gift You All The 7 Secrets To Ending Daily, Annoying Neck And Headache Pain; Free, In One Simple, Easy To Follow At Home Plan...
It’s worth $85 and I want you have it FREE.
For a limited time only, I’m giving away my published special report on all the best ways to end Neck and Headache Pain and I’d like for you to have a copy. Just knowing and following these tips will make a difference.
This special report will shed light on the clouded and very confused world of Neck and Headache pain. It will give hope, offer clarity AND encouragement for a future free from pain, as well as provide step-by-step instruction on the 7 best ways to bring a fast end to your concerns naturally!
(PLUS, a few bonus tips are included, too…)
Another bonus is this FREE Report lets you sample and get a feel for how a special private physical therapist, like myself, can help YOU while making immediate progress at stopping pain and ending worries at the same time.
If this option works best for you, go ahead and claim your FREE Report and finally start making the progress you’ve been searching for, instantly, in the comfort of your own home, right NOW!
It’s titled:
7 Natural Ways to Stop Daily, Annoying, Neck & Headache Pain From Disturbing Sleep & Your Active Lifestyle!
Here’s what you’ll discover when you open the report:
- What you should be practicing everyday....
- The one thing you must STOP doing before you go to bed and why doing it IS going to make your headaches worse.
- How to make a simple change in the way you relax to bring a halt to your pain.
- Exactly where to put your TV, laptop and computer screen and why just having one of these in the wrong place will make your pain last longer, grow more intense and increase the risk of severe headaches.
- The absolute fastest way to end neck and headache pain involving someone else doing everything for you.
- Plus healthy bonus tips with more ways to bring a quick end to your pain.

If you’re looking for answers to any of the questions above then it’s time to request my free tips report. You can get access to them by clicking on the yellow button below and confirming your details or you can call the clinic at (623).486.3333
Dr.Nick Hunter
PT, DPT, Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
There are a limited number of free copies of this report available, so please claim your copy today.

Option 3
Join Hundreds Of Other People Who Were Finally Able To End Neck And Headache Pain Naturally...And Before It Got Much Worse!
All The Top Secret Tips Revealed And Exactly How Any Person Aged 40+ Can End Pain, Find More Movement And Finally Rediscover Painless Daily Living!
Yours Free From Dr. Nick Hunter, Physical Therapist
“Fill Out The Form To Get YOUR Special Report With All The Best Ways To End Neck Pain & Headaches (...It’s Currently FREE!)
Leave Your Details And Get All This Advice NOW...

More about the person you will be helped by…
Dr. Nick Hunter is the owner and founder of Phoenix’s Leading Specialist Private Physical Therapy practice for people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who want to keep healthy, active and independent.
Dr. Nick Hunter is a graduate of University of Utah where he received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Since 2010, Dr. Nick has administrative experience in physical therapy, sports and orthopedic fields. Dr. Nick Hunter has worked in a variety of settings (hospital, outpatient, private practice), and started Preferred Physical Therapy with the goal of providing a different rehabilitation experience. An experience that will allow patients to again find joy in their journey. One that will put patients back on the right track so they can get back to living a healthy, independent lifestyle free from pain medications, injections and surgery.
Dr. Nick Hunter has a manual osteopathic approach to patient treatments, with an emphasis on bio-mechanical analysis, correction and return to function.
He has worked in educational development serving as a mentor and clinical instructor to local Physical Therapy Students.
Nick enjoys jeeping (off-roading in the beautiful town of Sedona), camping, crossfitting, coaching, and most importantly spending time with his wife and four active boys.
“Look Who Else Came For Specialist Physical Therapy At Preferred Physical Therapy And Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY And HAPPY... In Just A Few Short Weeks”!
Meet Jodi
Meet Erik
Meet Dr. Castro
I was diagnosed with whiplash and it was pretty bad. I waited almost 2 months before coming in for Physical Therapy because I was kind of thinking; "it will go away, it just kind of takes time” plus I kinda felt like, "Okay, what can a physical therapist do that I can't do on my own?" I did a lot of hot baths, Epsom salt baths, some stretching, alcohol rubs, heating pad. I was prescribed muscle relaxants. I kinda think that I got a Band-Aid on it but it really didn't fix the problem, and I didn't want to be dependent on anything drug-related.
I didn't really know what Physical Therapy was - I really honestly thought it was just someone teaching you how to stretch, maybe even take me through a few exercises, you know, kind of like a coach going through the process and kind of hoping for the best. Definitely NOT what I ended up experiencing with Nick at Preferred Physical Therapy. The first couple of visits kind of like, you know, I'm just going because I need to go and what am I losing? Nothing. And, I want to say maybe about the third or fourth visit, I really honestly started feeling a little angry because I was like, "Every time I go, they torture me. They make me do all these exercises that I can't do. They put this heat on me or this ice” and I'm like, "What are they doing? I don't like ice” But, I kept trusting they got to be doing something right. This isn't something new that they're experimenting with. This is something that you actually hear out pretty often, so just keep pushing, keep trusting so keep going. And then I realized that "Hey, you know, I'm feeling less and less pain. I'm feeling less and less of the pulls. I'm able to definitely walk easier or straighter. I'm not as dizzy,".
I got my mojo coming back, you know. I'm starting to feel more like myself and that's huge for me. I would tell anyone if they had pain to come see the guys at Preferred Physical Therapy. I mean seriously, it really works, give it a try and trust that they do know what they're doing and it's gonna be worth it. Number one thing I wanted to achieve was to get active again and definitely achieved it, definitely.Jermaine Early 50's
I started experiencing this dizziness, and after dealing with it for about a week I decided to go to the doctor because I had a severe dizzy spell, which was very scary. The doctor diagnosed me with BPPV and recommend that I go see a physical therapist right away. I was skeptical, I didn’t know what to expect or how a physical therapist was going to help me, but after my first visit I was feeling better. After my second visit the dizziness was totally gone! We worked on my balance, which I had no idea was so weak. I now know, at my age, my balance is something I need to continue to work on daily.
I would recommend physical therapy for anyone who has experienced anything similar to what I have been through, because with Physical Therapy it did go away. I know people live with vertigo on a regular basis, which is something I thought I was going to have to do. Try physical therapy, no matter what type of pain you are experiencing. Do not just shoot it down quickly because it does work!Michelle Early 50's, Glendale
I had shooting pains going up my neck and my neck would just sort of lock up. I'd be sitting at my desk and there'd be this horrendous pain. And after trying to do some neck stretches on my own, it was pretty obvious that I needed professional help. I called several other places before I called Preferred Physical Therapy, and there were a couple other places that made it really complicated, sounded really rushed on the phone, like they didn't have time to talk to me, and it really discouraged me.
So, when I called Preferred Physical Therapy and I spoke with Kathleen, I immediately got a feeling that maybe I had found the right place, because she was very warm and welcoming and when I showed up here, the experience continued. All in all, it's been a really positive experience and I'd recommend that if anyone is putting up with pain that's not going away, and you're taking too many Advil or ibuprofens to compensate, they really owe it to themselves to take a really healthy approach and check out the team at Preferred Physical Therapy.
Now, a couple months later, I'm happy to say that while I'll probably, at this point in my life, never be 100%, I'm about as close to my 100% as I can get. I have no more neck pain. I have better flexibility with my neck. I am able to turn in the car and see other cars behind me using mirrors that I wasn't able to do before. It's the effort that I put into it, and the support, and the effort and the expertise that I got from the team at Preferred Physical Therapy. Thanks guys.Pam Mid 60's, Glendale
Note: If your neck pain need is urgent...
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Or... If You Are Still Not Sure What to Do Next...
Try our Neck "Injury Severity" Assessment to learn how you can enjoy life pain-free: