“How To Stop Knee Pain Naturally...
Without The Need For Surgery Or Painful Injections”
Specialist Advice and “Best Tips” For Ending Knee Pain Naturally AND Keeping People Active For Years Longer, Given Away Today For FREE By An Expert...
“AT LAST!... Here’s How ANY Person Restricted By KNEE Pain Can Stay
“On The Go”, Keep Active, And Exercise Safely…
While putting an End To Their Chronic, Daily, And Irritating KNEE PAIN (…Swelling And Stiffness), GUARANTEED!”
Keep Reading To Discover What Most Doctor’s Don’t Know About How Easy It Is To END Knee Pain And QUICKLY Find Ways To Exercise And Keep Active That Are PAIN FREE And Will Do No Harm, Only Good, To anyone’s Health…
If your need is Urgent, Please Call now to get seen quicker:

Dr.Nick Hunter PT, DPT
Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
From the Desk of Knee Expert And Physical Therapist, Dr.Nick Hunter:
Dear Knee Pain Sufferer,
Whether you’ve come looking for a natural way to end nagging knee pain or you’re just looking for new ways to exercise and keep active that will not make your knee problems any worse, then this could be the most important message you’ll read this year.
Chronic Knee pain often starts as a tolerable but nagging, toothache-like discomfort. But, if left untreated, masked with painkillers or injections, it’s not uncommon for knee pain to grow steadily worse over months and years until walking becomes difficult and distressing.
In the early stages, painkillers and anti-inflammatories given out by the Doctor will offer some relief. However, short-term fixes should not be confused with getting to the root cause of your complaint or stopping what went wrong in the first place - and doing it NATURALLY.
What most people don’t know, many Doctors included, is that there are things that can be done that will allow you to exercise and keep active without causing any knee pain, swelling, stiffness, or fear of making things worse. Painkillers, rest, injections and surgery are NOT the only option if you want to stop the daily torment of living with knee pain.
I know a much healthier way to address your pain and concerns.
If You’re Worried About Knee Pain, Want To Know What’s Causing It, And Want To Find Healthier Ways To End Your Pain And Still Exercise, Know That There Is Hope!
Before I go on to show you how I can help, let me first make it clear I’m NOT like any of the other physical therapists out there. I’d like to distance myself from them immediately and you should know upfront that my advice is like NOTHING given out by them or any Doctor – quite simply because I’m a Specialist Private Physical Therapist and have been working with and HELPING people in their 40s, 50’s, and 60’s recover from Knee Pain fast, on a DAILY basis, since 2010.
Rest assured, everything I do is personalized and specific. That’s the kind of care that works BEST and what most people are hoping to find when they come to this page.
I have plenty of TIME for you too. My time is not like any Doctor’s office where you will feel rushed in and out, never having a chance to ask questions. Such an experience can leave you feeling as though you weren’t fully understood. Your health and concerns are important to me and I do want to hear all about them.
My primary goal is to help you recover from Knee Pain and get you active again QUICKLY and NATURALLY. That means any solution I provide will NOT include a prescription for harmful painkillers or medication that, in the end, do more harm than good because they will never get close to the root cause of your Knee Pain
Knee Pain can be very life limiting, not to mention frustrating. The longer it is left untreated, the harder and more time it takes to resolve. I know what you’re thinking and No, it’s not your age and you shouldn’t just have to accept the pain like some Doctor’s lead you to believe.
If All You’ve Done So Far Is Rest, Tried A Few Generic Exercises, Or Taken Doctor’s Advice And Painkillers...And None Of It Has Worked Then We Need To Act Fast Before It Is Too Late.
Knee troubles rarely get any better with rest. Admittedly, sometimes pain may drop, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to come back as soon as you take a long walk or try to get back to being as active as you were before you rested.
I’ve seen people who rested for weeks in hopes that the pain would go for good, only to find it even WORSE when they start back up again (and the swelling lasts twice as long). They should have told you that you were doing the WRONG kind of exercise(s). The wrong exercise is harmful because even doing just one could so easily make things worse in the end.
As for painkillers, I understand why Doctors give them out to people with Knee Pain, and for the first 5-7 days they are a good bridge that help people get to physical therapy in less pain. What should happen is that people planning to take these painkillers should have clear and detailed instructions to go and find a real solution such as seeing a physical therapist ASAP. Relying upon pain medication will do nothing to fix the cause of your knee troubles.
So many people are suffering with constant on-off knee pain and really shouldn’t be. Many people are suffering unnecessarily because someone didn’t get to the root cause of the problem at the first signs of it. Of course, it’s not their fault, they didn’t know any better.
Painkillers, rest and doing generic exercises are NOT the answer. Not if you want to be active and feel healthy again, any time soon. That’s why I’d like to offer you my HELP and expertise immediately, UPFRONT and without ANY cost or payment needed.
Before I show you HOW I can help, please look at this first:
Here's Who I Can Help...
What I want you to know about my physical therapy practice is that we don’t claim to help EVERYONE and for obvious reasons I can’t just give away all my best advice to anyone. But, if you’re 40-64+ and can say “YES” to any of the following, then you’re in the right place to receive Specialist Knee Expert advice:
- You’ve recently noticed a dull, “tooth pain” like ache in your knee that has been there for longer than 9 days and shows no signs of improving on its own.
- You are experiencing severe pain or swelling during or not long after taking a simple walk. (Note: For your own good, please seek advice ASAP)
- You’ve been told or have a sneaky suspicion that what you have is caused by arthritis, joint wear and tear or degeneration.
- You’re struggling to walk or run for any length of time without feeling the effects of knee pain, a dull ache or swelling.
- You don’t take to the “painkillers and rest” option advised by the Doctor, nor do you like generic exercises.
- You value the enjoyment you get from your health too highly to risk suffering any long-term complications and you want to seek the best advice possible right away.
- You’re hoping to AVOID knee surgery for as long as possible.
- You have no idea what’s happened or why and you’re just concerned, maybe even worried, that the pain isn’t going to go away anytime soon, and you’d just really like to know EXACTLY what happened, how long it will likely take to feel better and what can REALLY be done to fix it.
I have great news! If you can say “YES” to any of the above statements then I know I’ll be able to help you like you hope!
If You Came Looking For A Specialist Physical Therapist To Help You Personally, Give You The Best Advice, Provide Hands-on Treatment To Ease Pain Quickly And Prescribe The Right Exercises To Help You Walk Further for Longer, Then Here is What I Can Do For You...
I have a proven solution that works at easing and ending knee troubles fast. And whether you’re suffering severely, currently tolerating it or at the very beginning of pain, it’s going to work for you and will let you get active again and regain the ENJOYMENT in your life faster and easier than any other way.
It will enable you to walk further for longer and exercise with renewed hope because you can still DO IT! No, what I offer doesn’t involve ANY painkillers or you having to do lots of unnecessary and generic exercises.
Specialist Hands-On Physical Therapy involves me and my team working on you in person and by hand using all of our BEST techniques to bring about a FAST end to the suffering and concerns you’re currently experiencing. Deep therapeutic massage will help ease pain naturally. We’ll look at other joints such as your hips, ankles and lower back then when we correct them all, we’ll add in the BEST exercises. You’ll see a POSITIVE difference made to your life, fast. If it happens in days, it will be of NO surprise to me. Don’t worry, it’s easy and simple to do.
I’ve been doing this since 2010 and I continue to help people, like you, daily. If you’re 40+, I can absolutely GUARANTEE that when I combine all of this you are going to feel a big difference, your pain will drop quickly, your ability to exercise will come back soon as well as your enjoyment of life and everything in it.
If you want to find the BEST exercises - the ones specific to YOU and your lifestyle needs, that WILL make a difference in how fast you get better and WHEN you can get active again, I’ll give you all of them too, maybe even the very first time we meet. Doing the secret exercise routines is the BEST way for you to avoid suffering again soon. Performing these specific exercises will also REDUCE the risk of the early onset of arthritis and becoming a lifelong victim of Knee Pain.
If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, start by making a simple no hassle, no obligation inquiry about cost and soonest availability. It is really simple just press the yellow button below and complete the form.
Option 1
If what I am offering is what you’re looking for, Great! Let’s make it all happen sooner and book an in-person physical therapy appointment at my practice using this number 623.486.3333. We’re conveniently located right off of the 101 freeway at 79th Ave and Union Hills in Glendale, AZ .
Or, If it is Easier For You, I will Find 15 Minutes In My Day to Talk With You Over The Phone.
“Telephone consultations work great!”
You’ll LOVE what we can do for you and you’ll soon see that we CAN help you.
If you ARE serious about your health and you’ve decided enough is enough of being frustrated by daily knee pain and restricted by it, and you’re even SOMEWHAT interested in what a Specialist “Hands-On” Physical Therapist like me can do for you, then a good place for us to start is by talking on the phone.
When we talk, I will show you:
- What makes our knee injury advice so DIFFERENT from all the other options out there.
- Why, if you’re aged 40+ and would like to be active and are fed up with your Knee Pain, we could very well be your BEST option
- What we’ll do for you here at Preferred Physical Therapy will be NOTHING like you’ve ever tried or experienced elsewhere
- Why most people who start out skeptical about physical therapy, maybe because they’ve tried it before, LOVE what we do for them and how it has everything to do with what happens in the first 20 seconds that we speak.
I’d like to offer you a FREE telephone consultation suitable only for health-conscious people serious about their health and interested in discovering what their BEST options are to get active and healthy - NATURALLY. By doing it this way, we’ll get to know each other BEFORE confirming an in person physical therapy appointment in our clinic.
The free telephone consultation works! It works because it allows you and me to decide if we’re a good fit. You’ll leave our conversation knowing with certainty that we’re going to be able to help you get active and pain free like you’re hoping for.
By the way, there’s no obligation to book an appointment after we’ve spoken. That is your call.
This option is EASY and it’s where most people start their journey back to health. If you want to join them, go ahead and click the yellow button here NOW, enter your details on the form that will appear and our office manager will call you very soon to set up a time for us to talk.
Option 2
While You Are Here, I’d Like To Present You With A Gift – A Special Report Detailing My Best Tips...
Maybe you’re at the very beginning of your search to end your knee troubles and are just browsing, hoping to find some helpful advice that you can take away with you IMMEDIATELY? Or, perhaps you’re looking for some secret tips (the kind that experts give out) you can use in the comfort of your own home?
If that’s you, you’re in luck!
I Compiled 7 Of The Best Ways To Ease Knee Pain Naturally And Packaged Them Into One Easy To Follow (At Home) Special Report.
It’s worth $85, but I want you to have it for FREE.
For a limited time only, I’m giving away my published special report on all the BEST ways to END knee pain WITHOUT pain medication or injections for free and I’d like you to grab your copy before you leave this website.
Following any of these top tips will make a huge difference to your health and lifestyle.
This special report will shed light on the very confused world of recovering from Knee Pain, it gives hope, and offers clarity and encouragement for a future free from FRUSTRATION as well as the FEAR many people carry with them, of making their own problems worse. It also provides step-by-step INSTRUCTIONS on the BEST ways to ease knee pain quickly, keep active SAFELY and best of all, they’re all NATURAL.
This free report lets you sample and get a feel for how a Specialist Private Physical Therapist like me, can help YOU, while simultaneously making immediate progress to stop frustration and help you get active QUICKLY.
Go ahead, claim your FREE report and finally start making the progress you’ve been searching for, instantly, in the comfort of your own home!
It’s titled…
7 Quick & Easy Ways to Stop Daily, Irritating Knee Pain ...Without Injections, or Taking Painkillers
I’m going to send this to you INSTANTLY and here’s what you’ll DISCOVER when you look inside:
- The one area of the the body that you MUST check that could be causing your Knee Pain. Hint: It is not what you think?
- If you spend more than 20 minutes per day SITTING then you need to know what activities you must DO or else more knee pain is inevitable. Find out what they are.
- What to do if you see swelling...find out how to reduce it quickly!
- What you have in your kitchen NOW that will make a huge positive difference to your knee pain instantly.
- Discover the absolute FASTEST and proven way to STOP knee pain completely.
- Do you know the types of footwear proven to ADD to knee pain and make things worse in the end if you keep wearing them? It may be that you’re wearing a pair right now? Make a simple but BIG change quickly.
- There are even more bonus tips that show exactly which exercises you should and shouldn’t be doing if you want to take a LONG break from Knee Pain.

If you’re looking for answers to any of the questions above then it’s time to request my free tips report. You can get access to them by clicking on the yellow button below and confirming your details or you can call the clinic at (623).486.3333
Dr.Nick Hunter
PT, DPT, Phoenix’s Leading Physical Therapist.
There are a limited number of FREE copies of this report available, so please request yours TODAY!

Option 3
Join Hundreds Of Other People Who Were Finally Able To END Their Chronic, Daily Knee Pain Without Painkillers...
All The Top Secret Tips Revealed And Exactly How Any Person With Knee Pain Can Finally Begin To Enjoy Exercise And Being Active Again, Fast!...
“Fill Out The Form To Get YOUR Special Report With All The Best Ways To End Knee Pain” (...It’s Currently FREE!)
Leave Your Details And Get All This Advice NOW...

More about the person you will be helped by…
Dr. Nick Hunter is the owner and founder of Phoenix’s Leading Specialist Private Physical Therapy practice for people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who want to keep healthy, active and independent.
Dr. Nick Hunter is a graduate of University of Utah where he received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Since 2010, Dr. Nick has administrative experience in physical therapy, sports and orthopedic fields. Dr. Nick Hunter has worked in a variety of settings (hospital, outpatient, private practice), and started Preferred Physical Therapy with the goal of providing a different rehabilitation experience. An experience that will allow patients to again find joy in their journey. One that will put patients back on the right track so they can get back to living a healthy, independent lifestyle free from pain medications, injections and surgery.
Dr. Nick Hunter has a manual osteopathic approach to patient treatments, with an emphasis on bio-mechanical analysis, correction and return to function.
He has worked in educational development serving as a mentor and clinical instructor to local Physical Therapy Students.
Nick enjoys jeeping (off-roading in the beautiful town of Sedona), camping, crossfitting, coaching, and most importantly spending time with his wife and four active boys.
“Look Who Else Came For Specialist Physical Therapy at Preferred Physical Therapy and Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY and HAPPY... In Just a Few Short Weeks”!
Meet Elaine
Meet Wilma
Meet Pattie
When I first showed up here, I had a hard time walking without limping. My favorite pastime was playing golf and I couldn't do that at all. I did some minor climbing before, I couldn't even do that and I really couldn't put any pressure on my knee at all. And now I can! I have good mobility back in my knee. I'm back to playing golf without any pain and basically, just all my activities returned to what they were. I'm still mindful of the knee problem, but it doesn't really limit me from what I want to do. I would definitely recommend Nick and his team to anybody that was thinking of or facing the possibility of physical therapy. So for that, I want to thank him and the staff.
Frank Mid 50's, Peoria
I waited about a year before coming to see you, I don't really know why but it was getting so I was getting stiffer and stiffer and couldn't do anything so I figured it was time. I wasn't able to get down on the floor with my great-grandson, and to get up again, and to walk up and down stairs. I got so I was very afraid. I had to hold onto something or I couldn't go up a stair. I hoped that physical therapy would help me walk up and down stairs and be more mobile. If anyone was procrastinating about coming to see someone I would tell them it's great, everybody's very very nice here and really cares about you. They're very careful with you so that they won't make you do more than you're able to.
Marge Early 80's, Sun City
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Or... If You Are Still Not Sure What to Do Next...
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