Tips to Keep Active, Healthy, and Feeling Great

Autumn Walk

With those long summer days nearly behind us, it can be easy to forget the benefits of getting outside when we should let the cooler temperatures allow us to spend time outside… People tend to stop exercising completely and spend more time indoors doing things like watching TV and sitting for long periods of time.…

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Treatment For Vertigo Dizziness


Let’s talk about vestibular rehab. Has your doctor ever told you that you have crystals in your ears? This is referred to as a condition called benign positional paroxysmal vertigo or BPPV, and vertigo dizziness can be easily treated. Some characteristics are a room spinning sensation upon lying down, rolling over in bed, and lastly getting…

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What If Your Knee Pain is Caused by Your Ankles?

Pain Connections

Are you ignoring that pain when you walk? When you get out of bed and continue to go about your day? At Preferred Physical Therapy we help people with lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder, and knee pain daily… and it’s safe to say that imbalances or “asymmetries” in the body are the number one…

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The best exercise For Arthritic Joints


Many people think that walking or jogging is the only way to exercise while enjoying the fresh air. Yet, the health benefits of doing something like cycling are endless. Cycling regularly can help improve physical fitness, ease stress (due to the rush of endorphins being released) and it’s also a great way to reduce your…

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Piriformis Syndrome: A Pain in the Butt

Hip Surgery

Piriformis Syndrome Causing You To Sacrifice Your Independence As You Age? This is an important question that we begin to ask ourselves when we start to hurt and ache in the hip and glute area with sitting or walking. When a patient comes to our clinic for an evaluation for their hip pain, we like…

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3 Common Causes Of Hip Pain and How To Solve It

Hip Pain

This month, I’m focusing on a common problem that we treat here at Preferred Physical Therapy. HIP PAIN! Have YOU given up on finding a solution for your hip pain? When a patient describes their pain as either: A. “… pain radiating down the front of the leg.” B. “… pain in front of the…

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Shoulder Pain Treatment

Shoulder Pain

Let’s talk about shoulder pain and shoulder pain treatment, the one thing that gets on most people’s nerves because they don’t know what to do about it and think it’s just something they have to get on with the day in, day out… Meet Suzie for example…(click here to read more about her story and…

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Can Bad Posture Cause Shoulder Pain?

Posture Tips

Can Shoulder Pain Be From Bad Posture? Sometimes, it can surprise us how the smallest things in life can actually affect our health. Small things like wearing that heavy bag on the same shoulder every day, or that terrible posture that began at work, but so desperately want to get rid of. That’s right… it…

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The Worst Activity That Causes Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Often times it can be hard to see what you’re doing wrong in your habits because, well, it’s your lifestyle. However, your daily routine could be causing you daily shoulder pain. Your daily routine is so uniform to you that it can become second nature to read before bed, play around on your tablet or…

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Shoulder Pain: 3 Things That Surprisingly DON’T Help Ease It

Shoulder Pain

Are you currently suffering from shoulder pain? It’s one of the greatest mysteries of being 50+: the sudden onset of shoulder pain and stiffness that often creeps up on people with no warning and no explanation. Sometimes it just happens. I’ve had a number of patients come to see me and say things like… “I…

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